Why are Hillary’s eyes moving out of sync with each other?

There is something really strange – unnerving, actually – about the way Hillary Clinton’s eyeballs move out of sync with one another during a speech she gave at Temple University on Monday.  As I noted yesterday, she was spotted being helped up some stairs at the event.

Eagle-eyed John Binder of The American Mirror spotted the anomalous eyeballs and put together a video of the moments when the left eye detached from the right eye and moved independently.

screen shot via PJ Media

You have to look closely and focus on the eyes.  I confess that I discovered an atavistic aversion to looking Madame Clinton directly in the eyes, perhaps related to folk wisdom that if you stare into the eyes of a snake, you can become paralyzed.  I just reminded myself that it was merely pixels and overcame my silly fear and discovered that as Binder wrote: “… the left eye looked to be cock-eyed and displaced, especially as she looked towards the left.”

I am no expert at all in matters medical, but there does seem to be something weird going on in Hillary’s brain circuitry.

Hat tip: Byron

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