Election day: You had better pull the lever

I suspect that with the current political atmosphere in America today, as well as world conditions, many Christians are probably thinking end times.  Surely Armageddon is just around the corner.  I mean, is there anything more sinister than what Islam is imposing on the world?  Although here in America we subscribe to the Constitution as the rule of law, sharia is rearing its ugly head more and more.  And what makes that so alarming is the spread of a modern progressivism in our national leadership. 

The Executive Branch has been ignoring Christian American values and principles for a long time, and for the past eight years, it has been actively working toward the fundamental transformation away from those Christian principles.

The Legislative Branch has become the most corrupt it has ever been in its history.  Members of Congress have been embracing socialist doctrines because they know that it pads their own personal pockets, and they know that the low-information voters of the Democratic Party are easily deceived.  They have no fear of losing their jobs.  That's pretty funny, because the ultimate consequence of socialism is that corruption becomes so prevalent that their jobs eventually cease to exist, and the wealth they sold their souls to gain evaporates.

With Democrats in power in D.C., the entire country will go the way of California, Detroit, Chicago, and NYC through the appointment of liberal judges to the Supreme Court.  A liberal Judicial Branch will embrace sharia more and more, doing away with the Constitution until the America that made their lives possible goes the way of all socialist states.

But end times or not, we cannot just sit around and wait for a supernatural ascension into heaven to solve our dilemma.  Does any among us know how long end times last?  I don't.  Not only do we not know when we are going, but most of us don't know where we are going, so sitting around waiting for the bad guys to get theirs may not be the best plan.

A year ago, I was laughing at the concept of a Donald Trump presidency, but it would seem that the Democrats aren't the only low-information voters easily deceived.

The American voters showed me what they were made of in 2008 and 2012.  I am no longer surprised by what they do.  The cream has not always risen to the top in American politics, but there was a time when it had a chance.  For the past eight years, the reverse has proven to be the norm.  The most dangerous and corrupt have been embraced by the electorate.

I don't know if there was ever a time in America when the voter could actually vote for a person, but if so, that time is long gone.  For decades, a vote was a vote for the ideology of a party, not a person.  During those decades, the Democratic Party was pushing us ever closer to socialism, and the Republican Party was trying to preserve our freedoms.

By 2008, that concept was history.  During the election cycle that year, it was a choice between an anti-American Democrat and a progressive Republican.  In 2012 there was a flash of hope with the contest being between the anti-American Democrat and a constitutional Republican, but the electorate apparently did not understand that.  Either they did not understand or they actually embrace anti-American leadership.  That was the result, anyway.

Now we have the worst of both parties in the presidential contest.  A vote for the lying, criminally corrupt Democrat who will make her sharia appointments to the Supreme Court will continue to send our country in its backward slide, while a vote for the narcissistic, egotist bully on the other side of the isle will only probably send us down the same chute.  He has no concept of Christian conservatism.

The only hope for America now is its Christian citizenry.  The presidential post is lost regardless of the victor, but the down votes are still very important.  The Republican Party no longer represents most of us in our ideology, but perhaps some of those on the ticket are still conservatives.

Pull the lever just in case.

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