An internet trash heap with an agenda

It didn’t take long for the WaPo and other lib rags to pile on Matt Drudge for having the gall to accuse NOAA’s National Hurricane Center of hyping up the storm data on Matthew.

Even the erstwhile nerd journal, Popular Science, jumped into the anti-Drudge cyclone, with a short diatribe by a Grennan Milliken, a PopSci reporter, who says, “Don’t take weather advice from Matt Drudge.”

Presumably Milliken, and his PopSci editors, would prefer that we take weather advice from NOAA luminaries such as James Hansen, whose serial global warming jeremiads – for three decades have morphed into laughable exaggerations.

Prior to joining PopSci, Grennan Milliken’s LinkedIn profile says he was a media manager for Noise Productions Inc (sic), where he “managed production footage for the Cooking Channel show Simply Laura.”

No doubt James Hansen spent time at the Cooking Channel along with other NOAA weathermen.  For three days this past August, for our section along the Maine coast, the NOAA climate brainiacs forecast “southwest winds, 10 to 15 knots,” while a quick glance outside showed persistent 15-plus knots from the north.

Nonetheless, grudging credit goes to PopSci’s Milliken for giving Drudge the best label ever, “an internet trash heap with an agenda,” narrowly nudging aside Hillary’s “basket of deplorables.”

Too bad Popular Science long ago abandoned reporting on transistors and spaceships, an agenda that mattered.  Instead, today PopSci is but a trash heap of global warming hysteria.

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