As civil society crumbles, flash mob loots Apple store

Make no mistake: we are sliding toward something like a third-world urban reality, with street violence frequent and law enforcement unwilling or unable to do much about it.  In certain Latin American, Asian, and African cities, stores containing valuables have bars, locked entrances, and armed guards.  Those with enough money hire armed guards and lie behind walls with barbed wire at the top.

There are powerful forces attacking the legitimacy of the civil order of the United States.  Black Lives Matter is merely the newest visible component of the effort, but efforts are underway to release into the population violent criminals (because “mass incarceration”), to dispute the legitimacy of criminal convictions based on the group rights theory of “disparate impact,” to shackle police tactics, to incite mob violence against police, and to devastate morale and hamper recruitment.

Apple Stores are bright, shiny, and full of valuable stuff.  CBS Boston reports:

A group of thieves stole over $13,000 in iPhones from the Apple store in the Natick Mall in a “flash mob” robbery.

Natick Police Lt. Cara Rossi said a group of seven teens were only in the store for less than one minute, but were able to steal 19 phones. (snip)

Lt. Rossi said both male and female thieves were involved, and that they all wore hoodies and hats to help conceal their identities.

Police said they were working with mall security to try to find footage of the group entering or exiting the mall.

Natick Police said they believed the thieves may be connected to a similar theft that took place in Hingham in September.

In that case, a group of 10 to 12 thieves in hoodies stole 22 iPhones from an Apple store, then fled in a Ford Taurus that had its plates covered.

The Harvard hoodie on the lead looter is a nice touch, don't you think?

It does not take many people to overwhelm and loot a location.  And it is happening.  Relentless propaganda that blacks are victimized, helpless, and deserving of recompense for their travails provides all the moral justification a frustrated and angry young man needs.

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