Fifty shades of hypocrisy, anyone?

In a nation disposed to watching and reading sexually graphic content like Game of Thrones and Fifty Shades of Grey, I find it hard to believe that many people are truly offended by Trump's recent comments.

According to statistics, in the U.S., 64% of men view porn at least monthly.  So next time you watch the media go full hysterics on Trump's comment, remember that – statistically – 1.6 of those 3 male commentators enjoy watching men degrade women online.

Let's take a deep breath, come down from our self-righteous frenzy, and remember the "reprehensible" behavior that the left thrust upon our last Republican stalwart –  "binders full of women."

Remember how Mitt was labeled a disgusting misogynistic elite who was completely out of touch?  Poor Mitt Romney was marched to the altar of leftist public opinion and ritualistically maligned and declared unfit to lead our country.

Contrast that with the former two-term commander in chief, who set the standard for debasing the office of the presidency.  To the left, however, Bill Clinton is the lovable retail politician, philanthropist, and – if you believe their propaganda – one of the only things holding off the exponential growth of AIDS.

So how could one man's seemingly benign comment disqualify him from serving as POTUS and the other remain a Democrat darling? 

Rest assured: if Bill Clinton were a Republican, not only would the mainstream media (MSM) ensure he remained ostracized from "civil society," but CNN would annually devote an entire program to celebrate the anniversary of the event.

The left's spectrum for civility is a fluid creature whose standard is personified in their candidate.  Using that metric, Republicans will never pass the MSM's litmus test for POTUS.

This election cycle, Republicans finally realized that we need to stop playing the civility game and put someone in the ring who can fight back.  We finally recognized the futility of complaining to the referee about unfairness.  Unfortunately, it took us almost a decade to realize that the MSM have stacked the deck.  We're not after another gentleman politician; we needed a card shark, a gunslinger, and a hustler.  And that's what we got with Trump.  Yes, we realize that that type of person brings a lot of baggage, but we're desperate to win.  There is too much to lose.

Are Trump haters really prepared to give the keys to the White House back to the Clintons?  God help the interns that have to work around a first husband who has carte blanche to pursue his true passion of "d------ bimbos" free from the distraction of the presidency.

I have to admit, I almost got caught up in the kerfuffle about Donald Trump's comments.  For a brief period, the thought crossed my mind: "screw it, I just won't vote."  But we mustn't forget that it was Hillary, not Donald, who is responsible for the lives of four Americans in Benghazi.  It is Hillary's leftist cohort who lecture us on respecting women and using the word "vagina" vis-à-vis the "p-word," but they have no qualms with ripping out a baby at eight months' gestation from said vagina.

This election is a choice between words that offend and leadership that kills.  Donald Trump has a lot of baggage, but Hillary's policies have left and will leave a trail of bodies in their wake.

Anthony DeChristopher is a nine-year veteran of the United States Army Special Forces and holds an M.A. in strategic security studies from National Defense University's College of International Security Affairs.  He blogs at

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