Hillary and the Dogs of War

After Wednesday night’s debate, it is obvious that Nasty Hillary and Crooked Hillary don’t take kindly to having their emails read. What is not spoken very much about is what she will do about it. My guess is lots, once in office. And this is something that suburban, middle-class moms had better sit up and take notice of before they vote. My hypothesis is that Hillary, not Donald, is far more likely to bring the U.S. into war once elected.

Hillary has made much of the fact that those dastardly Russians (are the Boris and Natasha cartoons far behind?) are the ones throwing open her emails for all Americans to see. But I have yet to see proof. Have you? I hear that 17 million federal agencies have all said it’s the Russians that are doing this, but where is the proof? It could be Russia, but then again it could be the Elks, or the Shriners, for all the hard evidence we have seen. I’m concerned because our feckless leader, Barack, has threatened to mount a cyber-attack of his own on Russia. And that, ladies and gentlemen, could be construed along the Moskva River as an act of war.

And then there’s Syria. Hillary seems to now want no-fly zones, even though that may have U.S. jets going nose to nose with Russian jets, at rather high speeds. There was an opportunity early on in Syria for safe havens, but that was back there with the “line in the sand,” that Barack shrank back away from, allowing Iran to solidify its hold in Syria. Windows open and windows close, and now Hillary’s belated concerns over Aleppo may have some thermonuclear consequences. People need to ponder that when they close the curtain on November 8th. The peace candidate in this election is not the one you might think.

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