The new trend: parents who hope for girls, not boys

The toxic poison of feminism has caused a lot of damage to society, devaluing and degrading men.  Is it any surprise, then, that brainwashed women and even some brainwashed men are hoping to only give birth to daughters and not sons?

In an article entitled "The Fear of Having a Son", a masculinity-castrated husband (and English professor) named Andrew Reiner writes:

When my son, Macallah, was born five years ago, my college students asked how it felt to be a new father.

"Terrifying," I blurted.

What worried me just as much was the flip-side realization: Whatever my wife and I tried to do to shape our son's masculine identity would compete against such cultural norms as a postured indifference to school, which can lead to lower grades, graduation rates and academic motivation; a sports and gaming culture that exalt alpha domination (and aggressive male reflexes); and a tight-lipped John Wayne ethos that breeds alienation and, too often, depression.

All of the dread and loathing I'd always felt about the limiting script of traditional masculine norms came flooding back. I was faced with one of my biggest fears about parenthood: having a son.

Congratulations to feminists!  Years of browbeating men as hostile, brute oppressors of women have paid off.  Not only have you convinced some women that men are the enemy, but you have even got some men hating themselves, to the point that they do not wish to see more of their kind populate the earth.

Do you think this nutty professor with a perverse taste in children's names is just an isolated example?  Here's more:

... the writer Courtney E. Martin observes of many younger middle- and upper-middle-class fathers-to-be, "I've noticed a fascinating trend: They seem todisproportionately desire having a girl instead of a boy." An informal Facebook survey she took yielded these results: "I wanted a girl mainly because I felt it was harder to be a boy in today's society. If I have a boy I will embrace the challenge of raising a boy…who can learn the power of vulnerability even as male culture tries to make him see it as weakness. But, frankly, I hope that when I have a second child, it'll be another girl.'" This was emblematic of a lot of the responses, which revealed that men felt more confident, or "better equipped," co-parenting "a strong, confident daughter."

These sentiments ripple well beyond this small pool of men. Consider, for instance, such blog pieces as "Men Need Daughters More Than They Need Sons" or "Every Guy Thinks He Wants Boys, But Every Guy Should Want Daughters." Or: In a 2010 study, economists from the California Institute of Technology, the London School of Economics and New York University discovered, among other things, that adoptive American parents preferred girls to boys by nearly a third. 

... many fertility doctors observe that 80 percent of patients who are choosing their baby's gender prefer girls.

Society has spent decades trying to feminize men (to teach them to be "vulnerable"), and this is the result.  You see it in grade school textbooks, where examples disproportionately  show that girls are the smart and capable ones.  You see it in the movies, where 120-pound skinny girl-heroes easily beat up 200-pound men.  You see it in the news media, which alternates pieces about the great achievements of women with articles about how oppressive men are.  You see it in toy stores, which have been browbeaten to take down the "boy toys" and "girl toys" signs.

After 40 years of stewing in a anti-male culture like this, is anyone surprised by the result?

Ed Straker is the senior writer at  He would not want to be in Macallah's shoes.

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