Unlicensed staff now has your medical records

I suppose it was bound to happen.  If you squeeze all the doctors and all the hospitals between high demands for medical services and low money, something's got to give.  That's the fantasy sales pitch Obama gave us when the Democrats voted 100% for cloud cuculand, and the voters (I hate to say) went along with it like idiots. 

As even Bill Clinton said this week, O'care is a disaster.  (He said that not because he wants to free up the medical market, but because he wants the feds to have all the power in a single-payer system). 

So I call my doctor's office, and a young woman wants to know my private medical information – what medicines do you take?  What are they for?  All in total violation of the famous HIPAA privacy protection law.  This is a first for me.  She sounds like a teenager with an A.A. degree (at most) from the local community college.  She has no training, education, licensing, or even elementary knowledge of HIPAA to protect my privacy.  For all I know, she might sell my private information records to the nearest identity thief.  This is an open invitation for an even bigger database collapse, with highly personal information on millions of people. 

You remember that old privacy guarantee? 

Well, forget it! 

This could be the Soviet Union 25 years ago.  I ask her politely if this is not a violation of federal law.  She explains politely that this is what she's been told to ask all the patients who call her phone.  I ask for her manager, who explains that I have no right to medical privacy anymore.  I tell her this is against the law.  She persists.  I call my doctor, who confirms that yes, anybody hired off the street can now answer the phone and ask about my "private" medical records.  I tell her this is a liability problem for the medical practice I'm trying to talk to.  She very politely tells me to stick it where the sun don't shine.  (She was much nicer about it, but this is a constitutional privacy issue, and niceness doesn't count.)

Guess what: Obama must have done another one of those executive decrees, and the president can't be sued. 

Guess what Hillary is going to do about it, if she becomes the next prez.  Right. 

Another reason to vote for the Republican. 

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