Viewer’s guide to the latest James O’Keefe Project Veritas Action video

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Action (PVA) has an excellent new video

out investigating the covert operations behind the Hillary campaign to disrupt Donald Trump’s rallies.


Given the nature of investigative journalism where the scene cannot be set, the video can be a bit abrupt and a bit difficult to understand the audio. This piece is an attempt to “put together” the drama that James O’Keefe is telling.


Note I: These used to be called “Dirty Tricks.” Woodward and Bernstein would have made this look like Seven Days in May (you youngsters look it up).


Note II: There is no perfect organizational method for a production that is broken up – inevitably, no criticism – like this one. I have broken it up into sections divided by commentary by James O’Keefe or Project Veritas Action. Where each piece appears on the video – the time – is in the Video column.


Note III: The border lines of the table are left in to help the eye.



(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)


The Players

Their Organizations







Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group


“It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker.”


“What I call it is conflict engagement.”

“Conflict engagement in the lines at Trump rallies.”

“We’re starting anarchy here.”


Bob Creamer


Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

“The campaign is fully in it.”

“Well, I mean Hillary knows through the chain of command what’s going on.”



“I’m not suggesting we wait around, we need to start this shit right away. On every one of these fronts.”



James O’Keefe:

“This is Part I of our undercover investigation into the dark, backroom dealings of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. The culmination of the year-long investigation infiltrating the machine from the bottom all the way to the White House. There are concerns this election will be rigged. What you’re about to see will make uncomfortable and angry. It’s graphic, uncensored, and disturbing. Our attorney said there’s strong evidence of criminality. And this is just Part I.”




(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)


The Players

Their Organizations







Aaron Black

DNC Rapid Response Coordinator

“So I’m basically the deputy response director – the guy that responds for the DNC for all things Trump on the ground. Nobody is really supposed to know about me.


Caesar Vargas



“I got a priest to cry on camera once.”



Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group


“You know, Brad and Bob and Lux and myself are all part of the old school method, where it doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker.


“So Bob is really the president and talked to him this afternoon and they’re all in if we can get 25 grand they’re all in.”



James O’Keefe:

“There is a narrative that supporters at Trump rallies are violent and dangerous, looking to beat up protesters who don’t agree with them. But our undercover investigation of the Hillary Clinton Democratic Party machine reveals a very different story.”





(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)



The Players

Their Organizations







Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group


“If you’re there and you’re protesting and you do these actions, you will be attacked at Trump rallies. That’s what we want.”


“The whole point of it is that we know Trump’s people will freak the fuck out, his security team will freak out, and his supporters will lose their shit.”


“We are contracted directly with the DNC and the campaign, but I am contracted to him (Bob Creamer). But I answer to the head of special events of the DNC and the head of the special events and political for the campaign.”


“The campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners (Bob Creamer), Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, the Foval Group goes and executes the shit on the ground.”


“We are the primary mechanism as a team. Democracy Partners is the tip of the spear on that stuff.”


Bob Creamer


Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

“Wherever Trump and Pence are going to be, we have events.”


And we have a whole team across the country that does that. Both consultants and people from the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party apparatus and people from the campaign, the Clinton campaign.


“And my role is to manage all that.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“Bob Creamer is Democracy Partners. He is the husband of Jan Shakowsky, a Democratic Congresswoman from Chicago. And in 2005, he pled guilty to tax violations and bank fraud. He was convicted, and sentenced to five months in prison and 11 months of house arrest. He founded Democracy Partners in 2011.”





(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations







Bob Creamer


Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

“Just for a little orientation, Democracy Partners is a kind of group practice of a variety of consultants that do, essentially, a wide variety of different kinds of political consulting.”


Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group


“I work with Bob Creamer one-to-one. I’m the white hat. Democracy Partners is sort of dark hat.”


“Bob Creamer is diabolical and I love him for it.”



James O’Keefe:

“This investigation has revealed compelling evidence of a dark money conspiracy: a violation of Federal campaign coordination laws between Hillary Clinton’s campaign; Priorities USA, Hillary’s super-PAC; and the Democratic National Committee.”





(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations







Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group


“We have a clip deliverable that we have to deliver every day for our groups of clients who are involved in these projects: AUFC; A for C which is Alliance for Change; Alliance for Retired Americans (part of AFL-CIO). They are one of our partners on the AUFC stuff for Social Security. It depends on the issue. And then there’s the DNC and the campaigns and Priorities (Hillary’s super-PAC). Priorities is a big part of this too. The campaigns and DNC cannot go near Priorities, but I guaran-damn-tee you that the people who run the super-PAC’s all talk to each other and we and a few other people are the hubs of that communication.”


“We’re consultants so we’re not the official entity and so those conversations can be had between consultants where working for different parts, yeah.”

That’s why there’s Bob who is the primary there and I’m a sub to him and I’m also a primary to AUFC separately. That’s why.”

“It’s less of a Morse Code [between the super-PAC’s] than it is a text conversation that never ends. It’s like that. It’s kind of like an ongoing Pony Express.”

“It’s not as efficient as it could be. But that’s because the law doesn’t allow it to.


“The thing we have to watch is making sure there is a double blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what we’re doing. There’s a double blind there. So they can plausibly deny that they knew anything about it.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“Scott Foval is Creamer’s attack dog. Foval and his people train the agitators to go to Trump rallies, and nothing is left to chance.”




(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)


The Players

Their Organizations



Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group

“There’s a script.  There’s a script of engagement. Sometimes the crazies bite the crazies don’t bite.”


“They’re starting confronta-tions in the line. Right? They’re not starting confrontations in the rally. Because once they’re inside the rally, they’re under Secret Service’s control.”


“When they’re outside the rally, the media will cover it no matter where it happens. The key issue is the conflict by having leading conversations with people who are naturally psychotic.”


OK. I mean, honestly, it is not hard to get some of these assholes to pop off. It’s a matter of showing up, to want to get into the rally, in a Planned Parenthood t-shirt. Or, you know, Trump is a Nazi. You can message to draw them out, and draw them to punch you.



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

Foval boasts about the extent of his network of operatives.




(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)


The Players

Their Organizations



Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group

“So, here, you have a schedule of events. We update this on an ongoing rolling basis every morning. These are all the Trump and Pence appearances.


“Tomorrow, for instance, we are turning out 500 people in front of the Trump International in D.C.”


“We have to have people prepared to go wherever these events are, which means we have to have a central kind of agitator training.”


“Now we have a built-in group of people in New York who do this.”

“We have a built-in group of people in D.C. who do this.”

“We have a group of people in Vegas.”

“We have a group of people in Colorado.”

“We have a group of people in Minneapolis.”


Aaron Black

DNC Rapid Response Coordinator

“So, I’m basically deputy response director for the DNC for all things Trump on the ground.



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

This guy is Aaron Black. He works full-time for Creamer at Democracy Partners. He directs the “spontaneous” protests at Trump and Pence events. His real name is actually Aaron Minter. We don’t know why he uses the name Black.




(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)


The Players

Their Organizations



Aaron Black

DNC Rapid Response Coordinator

“Nobody is really supposed to know about me.”


“So the Chicago protest, when they shut all that, that was us. It was more him (Bob Creamer) than me, but none of this is supposed to come back to us, because we want it coming from people, we don’t want it to come from the party.”


“So if we do a protest and if it’s branded a DNC protest, right away the press is going to say: partisan. But if I’m in there coordinating with all the groups on the ground and sort of playing field general but they are the ones talking to the cameras, then it’s actually people. But if we send out press advisories with DNC on them and Clinton campaign, it just doesn’t have the same effect.”


Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group

“We have to be really careful, because…because what we don’t need is for it to show up on CNN that the DNC paid for X people to… That’s not going to happen.”


Zulema Rodriguez


“So, B and I did the Chicago Trump event where we shut down like all the…yeah (turning to a questioner)”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

Zulema Rodriguez and Aaron Black are bragging about a protest last March that turned extremely violent and led the Trump campaign to cancel a huge rally. Fights broke out between protesters and Trump supporters and two Chicago police officers were injured. Based on our reporting, the event was not spontaneous.




(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)


The Players

Their Organizations



Bob Creamer


Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

“We have a call with the campaign every day to go over the focuses that need to be undertaken.”


Zulema Rodriguez


‘I just had a call with the campaign and the DNC. Every day at one o’clock.



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

We met her at the Republican convention in Cleveland in July.




(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)


The Players

Their Organizations



Zulema Rodriguez


“And then, also did the Arizona one where we shut the highway down.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

This Clinton dark machine is also prepared for the fallout from the violence they foment at the Trump rallies and other demonstrations.




(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)


The Players

Their Organizations



Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group

“Because the one thing I’m never going to do is have some kid get punched out at a rally and then not have his doctor bill and his legal bill, if he gets arrested, paid for.



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

Ultimately, the whole endeavor is to get negative press for Trump and his supporters in local and national media.




(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)


The Players

Their Organizations



Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group

“It’s something that Bob [Creamer] and I obsess about is we’re not going to go to an effort to just do an event and not have anybody show up or not have it covered. We have to get coverage.



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

These guys have been doing their dirty tricks for some time, even before Trump won the nomination.




(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)


The Players

Their Organizations



Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group

[PVA journalist: “I probably know your work.”]

“Oh, I know you do. Everybody does.”


“You remember the Iowa State fair thing where Scott Walker grabbed the sign out of the dude’s hand and then the dude gets kind of roughed up right in front of the stage right there on camera? That was all us. The guy who got roughed up is my counterpart who works for Bob [Creamer].”

[PVA journalist: “And that was like storyboarded? Him getting roughed up like that?”]

“We scenarioed it.”

[PVA journalist: “And so your lent yourselves to that situation and it happened. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy.”]


“We not only lent ourselves, we planted multiple people in that front area around him and in the back to make sure there wasn’t just a (sic) action that happened up front. There was also a RE-action that happened out back.



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

Remember this woman [on the screen is an older woman with an oxygen assist in her nostrils. She looks pretty frail]. Her name is Shirley Teeter. She is a 69-year-old sufferer of COPD. According to numerous news stories at the time, she was assaulted at a Trump rally in North Carolina by Trump supporter Richard Campbell. The media played her story across the country for days.




(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)


The Players

Their Organizations



Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group

“She was one of our activists. Who had been trained up to birddog. So the term birddogging, you put people in the line at the front, which means they have to get there at six o’clock in the morning because if they’re getting in front of the rally, so that when Trump comes down the rope line, they’re the ones asking him the question in front of the reporters because they’re pre-placed there.”

“To funnel that kind of operation, you have to start back with people two weeks ahead of time and train them how to ask questions. You have to train them to birddog.”


“No, I’m saying we have mentally ill people that we pay to do shit, make no mistake. Over the last 20 years I’ve paid off a few homeless guys to do some crazy stuff, and I’ve also taken them for dinner, and I’ve also made sure they had a hotel and a shower and I put them in a program. Like, I’ve done that.”


“But the reality is, a lot of people, especially our union guys, a lot of union guys, they’ll do whatever you want. They’re rock ‘n roll.”

“When I need to get something done in Arkansas, the first guy I call is the head of the AFL-CIO down there, because he will say, “What do you need?” And I will say I need a guy who will do this and this. And they find that guy. And that guy will be like ‘Yeah, hell, let’s do it.’”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

Birddogging. Birddogging. It’s a word we had not heard until we got into this investigation. But when we checked the Wikileaks Clinton emails, we found references to the term in emails to and from the campaign. This is a chain where Clinton campaign where Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook suggests it might be a tactic to employ to shore up support with Hispanic voters. After our report, they may also need some help with the people in Iowa and Wisconsin.




(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)


The Players

Their Organizations



Scott Foval

Americans United for Change (AUFC) - National Field Director


The Foval Group

“So, I have to be really honest. Iowa is a difficult case because it’s a fifty-fifty state and honestly, half the state is racist as fuck.”

“I came home last night and really just, I was upset because that’s not the way I was raised and that’s not the Iowa that I grew up in. But you kind of have to accept the fact that that’s the way it is.”

[PVA journalist: “It’s not who you are, but that’s what the state is.”]

“Yes. Wisconsin is just as bad.”




“I’m Hillary Clinton and I approved this message.” [The boilerplate close to a TV ad, meant in this case to be sarcastic re: Iowa and Wisconsin.]



James O’Keefe:

Corruption. As you can see, it’s alive and well in our country and you’re paying for it. As we continue to release more videos, you must hold the mainstream media to account to further investigate what we’ve uncovered.

America! Our war is here! We must decide if we’re going to save this country or lose it. To quote Abraham Lincoln, ‘America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, or lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.’”





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