When Hillary went low, Michelle joined her

The vast left-wing conspiracy that is the Democratic Party is panicking, as some polls show the presidential race tightening even before the latest revelations of the continuing FBI probe of Hillary's unsecured, private, unannounced server.  And so one of its many alt divisions, the ladies' auxiliary, quickly mobilized, sending Michelle Obama to a Hillary Clinton rally in North Carolina on Wednesday – their first joint appearance.   

Forget that nasty business of eight years ago, when the person who wanted to be the first black president went up against the person who wanted to be the first female president.  In the process, each said some really unpleasant things about the other; leaked, but denied doing so; spread negative rumors about their opponent; and engaged in other vicious campaigning.  After Obama won, he appointed his former rival as secretary of state, her only qualification being her marriage to a former president, which she rode to being elected senator in a state where she had resided for a short period.  Her lack of experience showed – she was a terrible secretary of state.  But as she exclaimed, "what difference does it make?"

Now the Clintons and the Obamas are best of best friends.

People wonder if Hillary Clinton is my friend. Yes, she is my friend.

And Clinton returned the compliment. 

Ms Clinton also insisted that the Clinton and Obama family were on good terms.

"She and the president have been such wonderful friends to me and my family, and it has meant the world to me, it really has," she said.

She ran through Ms Obama’s achievements, including her charitable initiatives like Let's Move and Let Girls Learn, raising her two children, and Ms Clinton promised to look after her beloved White House kitchen garden.


Michelle Obama continued her praise, explaining Hillary Clinton's qualifications.

"Hillary doesn't play...She has more experience and exposure to the presidency than any candidate in our lifetime – yes, more than Barack, more than Bill – so she is absolutely ready to be commander in chief on Day 1.

And if that wasn't enough, Obama added:

And yes...she happens to be a woman.

Yeah, things like that happen.  

So is that reason enough to vote for her?  Only if you think women need a man to push them into a higher position.  Only if, because you're a woman, you don't understand – or need to – all that silly technological stuff, and you wipe clean (i.e., delete) emails, "like, with a cloth."  Only if you think being "dead broke" means you can afford only a smaller mansion than your neighbors, and you will tell bankers anything to get more money.  And on and on.

So no, that's not a reason to go low with Hillary and Michelle and vote for the former. 

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