Why I am not voting for Hillary

If anyone can give me three reasons to vote for her, I’ll listen.  The reasons cannot be that she is a woman (I don’t care what is between a person’s legs – it is not a qualification), she is ‘experienced’ (experienced is not the same as qualified – there are many ‘experienced’ people in prison), or that she is pro-abortion (this is too important of an election to be a one-issue voter.  Trump is pro-life but he wants to leave the decision up to the states, not 5 people on the Supreme Court).  With that said, I’ve enumerated the most important (not all) of the reasons why I will not vote for Hillary.

  1. She ignored hundreds of requests for more security at the American Embassy in Benghazi Libya from now deceased ambassador Christopher Stevens.  Then after four Americans died due to her ignoring those requests, she lied to the parents of the deceased Americans that it was due to a video when she knew at the time that wasn’t what happened.  When congress questioned her about what did happen, her response to four dead Americans was “What difference, at this point, does it make?”  It makes a lot of difference when she is asking for the job to protect all Americans.
  2. She used a private server to hide her pay-for-play as she sold Secretary of State favors to her donors (US individuals and companies, as well as foreign governments) using her Clinton Foundation as a slush fund to get paid off.  All the while exposing government secrets on her unsecured email to anyone who hacked in - then lying about it when caught.  Even the head of the FBI said there were confidential emails that were exposed.  She claimed they were not ‘marked’ confidential but anyone in her position should have known the content being discussed was confidential.  She also deleted thousands of emails while under subpoena to provide them.  How many of us would get away with that?
  3. She facilitated the sale of uranium to Russia as part of her pay to play using the Clinton Foundation as the means for her to get paid for the ‘favor.’
  4. She facilitated the chaos in the Middle East by pushing policies, like supporting the removal of stable leaders in Egypt and Libya, bungling Syria causing the need for the relocation of millions from the area to find safety and disrupt other nations to accommodate these millions.  They may not have been perfect leaders but they were far better than what has happened after their removal.  So why is Hillary lecturing us that we have a duty to help these refugees when she helped create the mess that caused the problem in the first place?  How many refugees are living in her neighborhood? 
  5. She opens our doors to an influx of refugees from the Middle East and flooding across our borders when it has been admitted there is no way to properly vet them.  There are no background checks available in the countries they are coming from.  This puts all of us in jeopardy, just as Chris Stevens was in Benghazi.  Her lack of concern for Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi is the same as her lack of concern for the rest of us here.  Germans are now fleeing their own country because of what the influx of immigrants from the Middle East are doing to their country.  Where are we going to flee to?
  6. Gun control – while she lives in a gated community surrounded by security and armed guards, she wants the rest of us to be at the mercy of the illegals and the guns pouring across our border.  Gun laws only work on the law-abiding.  Those who break the laws don’t follow them, including gun laws.  As we see time and time again, ‘gun free zones’ are just killing fields for those who laugh at the laws.
  7. She is okay with partial birth abortion.  This procedure kills a viable baby moments before it is born.  The mother has already gone through the whole pregnancy and goes through labor to deliver the baby but, just before the baby is fully delivered, the doctor punctures the base of the brain to create an opening to suck out the brain.  How is this for the health of the mother?  She has already gone through every stage of the pregnancy, including childbirth.  How is killing the baby at this point for the mother’s health?
  8. She has a very bad memory.  Every time she is caught in doing something wrong she conveniently forgets as to why she did it.  We don’t let our own children get away with this, why does she?
  9. She claims to be “for the children” and yet she defended a rapist against a 12-year-old little girl (Kathy Shelton) by painting the innocent child as wanting it (to be raped) and smearing her, then she laughed about her success over the child.  That’s the very definition of a bully, not a leader.
  10. She claims to be “for women” and yet she smeared and maligned the women her husband molested and raped.  Evidently she is only pro woman at voting time and as long as the women are on her side.  By the way, she pays men much more than women in her own offices. 
  11. Scandals – Hillary and Bill Clinton have been involved in more scandals than anyone else in the history of politics.  No one, who is surrounded by that many scandals, is just a victim.  Where there is smoke, there is fire.
  12. The Supreme Court – There will be at least one and possibly as many as two more lifetime appointments to the Court in the next presidential term.  There are two types of candidates:  the ones who view laws that are passed by the states and Congress as measured against the Constitution to determine if they line up or not; and the ones that impose their collective view on the American people regardless of the Constitution’s actual text.  Hillary will select the latter and will effectively have 5, or more, people overrule the American voter on every issue that the progressives want to impose regardless if it is constitutional, or not, or the collective view of the American people
  13. Taxation – She wants to tax the rich and grow the size of government.  The reality is, is that the rich don’t pay more taxes; they just pass the cost on to the consumer or hire accountants to find ways to avoid them.  So who really pays for tax increases to pay for the new Hillary bloated government?  The rest of us.   Hillary’s trickle down taxes will just increase the cost to everyone of everything.  Trump wants to lower taxes and grow the economy for everyone.  It has been proven time and time again that lower taxes increase economic growth and thereby increase the tax base to support government. 
  14. If the worst they can find about Trump is that he says naughty things in private, I’ll take him over the corrupt liar Hillary any day.  He is not a politician so he is not polished but he is a success and wants to give the rest of us the opportunity to be successful too.  He wants the laws to apply to everyone and upheld at every level of government. 
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