World Series: Which team should Trump root for?

Which World Series team is Donald Trump going to root for this year?  If he hasn’t decided yet, I have one suggestion: the Cleveland Indians.  And he should root for them all over Ohio while he is campaigning there.

Would he be accused of a political stunt?  Of course he would.  So what?  Let Cubs fan George Will whine all he wants.  He is going to whine anyway.  And maybe Indians fan Hugh Hewitt would come back around to the Trump fold.

It is perfectly rooted in American liberty to decide which team you want to root for, for whatever reason you like.  I frequently choose sides based on red state versus blue state.  Can you guess which side I choose?  I have a friend who roots for teams based on their mascots.  And who is to say she should not?  Sporting events are an entertainment medium and each person should decide how he wants to be entertained.  So I say, “What has he got to lose?”

Yes, the folks in Illinois won’t be happy.  But Trump is not going to win Illinois anyway, so it would be a net win.

Of course, he could be coy and say someone suggested he do it.  But I think he should go all in.  That would be the Trump way.

Someone in his campaign should get him a Cleveland Indians hat.  He could take off his MAGA hat during the rally and put on the Indians hat.  The supporters would love it.

Trump is now up in Ohio in most polls, and a few more fans might seal it.  Then he could spend more time in Pennsylvania. Can you say "Philadelphia Eagles"?

I hope he takes me up on my suggestion.  I know which team I am rooting for.  Go Indians.  Make Cleveland great again.  And go Trump.  Make America great again, too! 

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