America's moment of truth

Do you think we need to change the direction of this country?  Away from where most of the big money and long academic degrees, away from where the political establishment, away from where the "citizens of the world" seem convinced it needs to go?  Away from that and back to its roots?  Do you think we need to do that, but we can't do it now, not in this election, not with Trump?  Maybe next time?  Maybe 2024?  If that's what you think, Pat Condell, in his YouTube video, "America's Moment of Truth," has some thoughts for you.  He says:

The whole political class ... could easily have engaged with people's legitimate concerns at any time like honest brokers, but they wouldn't do it, and they still won't do it even now[.] ... So somebody came along who would do it.  And here is the most important point, it had to be somebody from outside the political bubble or it never would have happened, because it wouldn't have been allowed to happen[.]

"Okay, okay," you say.  "It has to be somebody from the outside.  But Trump?!  Are you serious?!"

 To which Condell says:

... whatever you think about Donald Trump, he has earned his place on the podium. He didn't have a party machine behind him. He had to party machines opposing him all the way. And he still does. Yet he's still there and still popular, because he's communicating with people in plain language that reflects the reality they see, not the one they've been told they're supposed to see. Nobody else has been willing to do that.

 ... In this presidential election is a genuinely once-in-a-lifetime historic opportunity for the American people to [take control and reshape the society that they in their children will have to live in.] The American way or the European way. Finally you get a real choice.

But is that really the choice these two candidates represent?  Yes.  Granted, Clinton, who, while derelict with laws as they apply to herself, yet sees in government – in the laws that apply to everyone else – the answer to everything; Clinton, who, in her very candidacy for the presidency, in her quest to affirm that a woman is fully equal to a man in meeting the demands of that office – even as her actual record strongly indicates she herself is not – but that does not matter, for, irrespective of her actual performance, her election alone will validate that canon – in this kind of thinking, she is indeed the embodiment of the political correctness that so dominates Europe.  And, yes, say what you will about Trump – as unfocused, unprincipled, and outright offensive as he can be – he is indeed "not a perfect person," but politically correct he is not, either.  It's not always clear that he himself understands why he is not, but it's clear that he is.  And he doesn't be seem to believe that government is the answer to everything, either.  Perhaps this is because, unlike the European elites and, to a somewhat lesser degree, Clinton, Trump has spent his working life outside government, in private enterprise, in the kind of economy that America, in the past, has done so much to advance."

Then you pause.  Then you conclude, "Maybe Condell has it right.  Maybe it is the American way or the European."

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