Comey just caved

This just in:  FBI Director James Comey just reversed himself again.  The Daily Mail reported that The FBI has announced it will not make any changes to its July decision on Hillary Clinton's emails, meaning the Democratic nominee will not be charged. The UK Daily Mail:

The FBI has announced it will not make any changes to its July decision on Hillary Clinton's emails, meaning the Democratic nominee will not be charged. 

Congressman Jason Chaffetz tweeted out the massive news on Sunday afternoon.

'FBI Dir just informed us "Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Sec Clinton",' Chaffetz wrote.

Speaking to reporters with Clinton in Cleveland, Ohio, Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri confirmed the camp had seen Comey's letter.

The Trump camp of course has resumed the "rigged" charge, while Clinton and company may renew their love affair with the FBI once again.

Thomas Lifson adds:

Someone got to Comey. The timing of this stinks, issued after the Sunday talk shows, just before the election. It will be claimed Hillary is exonerated, which is not true. All this means is tyhat for the moment, Comey is not recommending prosecution. That he does not have access to subpoenas and other grand jury tools such as wiretaps, means that the investigation has been and remains superficial.


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