Comey's quest for redemption

Redemption from his monumental screwup in July is driving the FBI director, James Comey, to reveal the latest criminal investigation of Hillary’s emails.  This opportunity was handed to him by Carlos Danger, whose little Anthony had driven big Anthony criminally bonkers.  Voluntarily, and perhaps gleefully, or otherwise, the former congressman and candidate for mayor of New York City (where else?) turned over his laptop to the FBI, and there it was: thousands of emails somehow related to his wife Huma Danger and her boss Hillary Disaster.

At this time, there is no one claiming to know the content of these emails, and more importantly, it is not known if they implicate Hillary sufficiently to indict her by adding to the crimes so clearly enumerated by Director Comey last July.  Trump followers should resist popping the champagne corks at this time for several reasons.  First, the FBI director left himself room in his letter to Congress to say, “Whoops, nothing here you already have not seen.”  Second, if there is a smoking gun, to conclude the investigation will take months, if not years, well into Hillary’s second year in the White House.

This “bombshell” last Friday may have nudged Hillary’s poll numbers down a point or two and has certainly energized the Trump base, although there is no evidence that any independent voters changed their minds.  Three days after the posting of Comey’s letter, there is a distinct hardening of the Dems’ base in favor of Hillary due to the unusual and perhaps unethical revelation of the new FBI investigation.  This will counterbalance the newly energized Trump supporters and may well sway some of the previously committed third-party voters in favor of Mrs. Clinton.

It is amazing to see the praise heaped on Director Comey and how quickly his integrity was restored by various talking heads since last Friday.  Equally amazing is the vehemence from the other side  those who had nothing but praise for him after his July press conference.  Today, they cannot find a bus big enough to throw him under.

The fact is that this latest announcement by the FBI (Fix Be In) director is too little, too late; it will not change the election results to any significant degree.  And it will certainly not restore Director Comey’s reputation for integrity.  He is now just another Clinton victim.

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