Desperate Clinton warns Trump will start a war if he's elected

With her lead in the polls shrinking by the hour, Hillary Clinton has gone from personally attacking the character of Donald Trump to fantasizing about what a Trump presidency would be like.

Clinton told supporters in Pittsburgh that electing Trump will lead to war because the thin-skinned Republican is bound to start a conflict if he's insulted.

Like I said; fantasy.

Washington Times:

After spending the week assailing the character of Donald TrumpHillary Clinton on Friday warned voters that the Republican presidential nominee is likely to start a war if elected, possibly because he felt insulted by another nation.

Speaking at a rally in Pittsburgh, Mrs. Clinton largely avoided talking about Mr. Trump’s past inflammatory comments about women, or the dozen sexual assault allegations against the billionaire businessman. Instead, she appealed to voters who may feel angry or frustrated with the political system, telling them she understands their anger but that electing Mr. Trump is not the solution.

In fact, the former first lady said, choosing Mr. Trump would have disastrous consequences.

“Imagine how easily it could be that Donald Trump will feel insulted and start a real war, not just a Twitter war at 3 o’clock in the morning,” she said.

Mrs. Clinton’s warning was aimed at Americans still considering a vote for the Republican nominee. She made a direct appeal to those voters, saying that they’d regret backing Mr. Trump.

“People say all the time they want change. Well, we will get change. Change is inevitable. That is certain. The question is what kind of change we will have,” Mrs. Clinton said, going on to tell supporters how to approach friends and family considering voting for Mr. Trump.

I don't know if Trump is crazy enough to start a war over being insulted, but I do know that Hillary Clinton is far more likely to commit American troops to conflicts currently underway. That's what makes this such a curious line of attack. Clinton has been running around the country bragging how "strong" a leader she is - presumably able to better stand up to the bullies of the world like Vladimir Putin. There is far more danger of a miscalculation by her in playing a brinksmanship game with Putin than Trump's idea of placating the Russian strongman by de-emphasizing NATO and bringing American troops home.

I don't think voters will buy the idea that Trump would go to war over getting personally insulted. But in a campaign that is obviously thrashing about looking for any attack that will change Trump's momentum, even a fantasy like this sounds good.

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