Hillary Clinton’s dream is America’s nightmare

To say the 2016 presidential election is dramatic would be an understatement.  Never before have we had so many revelations, leaks, and shocking moments in an election.  The revelation that Hillary Clinton consigliere Huma Abedin’s estranged husband Anthony Weiner would be the reason why the FBI’s criminal investigation would be reopened will make a great movie plot twist someday.

Now, Abedin has every reason to tell investigators what she knows about Hillary Clinton’s illegal use of a home email server to transmit classified materials.  She may have already lied after being granted immunity, and Team Clinton should be nervous about what happens next.

Recently, Hillary’s poll numbers are plummeting while alternative media sources scan through thousands of Democrat-insider emails published by WikiLeaks.  Once the job of the mainstream media, the American public has to find the truth on a bizarre foreign website with a fugitive publisher hiding in London’s Ecuadorian embassy.

Even if Hillary’s campaign chair John Podesta’s emails came from Russian intelligence, no one is denying their validity.  These electronic revelations are devastating, especially when it comes to the issue of immigration.

In a paid, private speech to a Brazilian bank on May 16, 2013, Clinton said, “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders[.]”  This transcript is proof that Hillary and her campaign has deliberately misled Americans about her elitist private views.

Now we know exactly why Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) wanted Hillary’s private speech transcripts released during the Democratic presidential primary.  Hillary’s “open borders” dream is a nightmare for American workers.

In the past year, the number of jobs held by recent immigrants (legal or otherwise) has increased more than five times faster than American-born workers.  At rapid speed, companies are laying off American citizens and shipping jobs overseas – sometimes requiring American workers to train their foreign low-wage replacements before getting the axe.

Since late 2007, the number of jobs held by American-born workers has declined by 1.5 million, but jobs held by immigrants (legal or otherwise) are up by 2 million. Immigration has a downward pressure on wages for struggling minorities, especially high school dropouts.  Expanded immigration also negatively affects the wages of skilled technicians and mid-level computer workers.

Hillary privately shares the views of her mega-donors, such as technology moguls who want expanded issuances of H-1B visas and green cards.  They ultimately want completely open borders.

In addition, Hillary’s dream of open borders appears to include “voters without borders.”  In an email on February 3, 2015, Podesta described the process in which illegal aliens with a driver’s license can vote, as long as they lie to election workers.  Twelve states and the District of Columbia grant drivers license to illegal aliens.  Following Podesta’s guide for lying on Election Day would have an especially large impact in California, as almost half of their driver’s licenses were issued to illegals.

Relaxed immigration laws and the growth of the welfare state mean more votes for Democrats.  Then Hillary Clinton simultaneously receives more pro-amnesty contributions from corporate titans who consider themselves “global citizens.”

As U.S. Border Patrol agent Chris Cabrera recently explained on The Laura Ingram Show, the Obama administration treats immigration violations like a “traffic ticket,” even for aliens with extensive criminal records.  Hillary wants to take it to the next step by making the borders entirely open.

For the sake of America’s workers and fair elections, Hillary’s dream must be stopped.

Ken Blackwell, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, is a senior fellow at the Family Research Council and the American Civil Rights Union.

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