The left is ‘projecting’ its own evil onto conservatives

Have there ever been better examples of the psychological phenomenon known as “projection” than what we see and hear from the left each day?

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.

1. The right is violent.

Anti-Trump rioting in Portland, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas, and Omaha by the left in which private and public property is destroyed.  During the campaign, the husband of elected congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, Robert Creamer, boasted on video of hiring thugs to violently disrupt the Trump rally in Chicago.

We still await the violent right-wing extremism of which the left always warns.  Maybe it is they to whom they really refer.  Projecting?

2. The right is not tolerant.

All one need to do is suggest that a conservative lecturer visit a college campus.  The opposing arguments and points of view are not tolerated by the left, and there are repeated examples.  “Liberal” education in its pure form “invites” discussion and opposing views.  Open debate and civil discourse is welcomed by the right, yet shouting down and denying opposing viewpoints is the new discourse delivered by the “projecting” left and driven by the Saul Alinsky principles.

3. The right is racist.

Everything the left witnesses is shot through the prism of race.  Race is their oxygen, and they can’t take a breath without it.   Of late, Lebron James, and the liberal press, thinks a reference to the people with whom he travels as his “posse” is racist.   (The pendulum is hitting the wall.)  Gene Autry and Roy Rogers had posses was that racist?  The absurdity and prevalence of these instances requires no further comment.  Who invites race into each discussion or dissection of the events of the day?   The “projecting” left.

4. The Republican Party is infighting and in disarray.

As is the case in the previous examples of “projection,” this was patently false.  And, in glaring fashion, it was indeed just the other way around.  There were 17 candidates for the Republican nomination for president.  There were three from the Democratic Party, and quickly down to two as Jim Webb saw the game unfold and withdrew.

Seventeen candidates engaged in lively debate and constitutional discourse on the Republican side.  A Socialist and a former first lady with a checkered performance as secretary of state on the Democrat side.  The primary involvement of the Republican voters was record-breaking, not so much so with the Democrats.

In fact, in actuality, it was the Democratic Party that was imploding.  Nine hundred state legislative seats lost in the past eight years.  That is a record for a presidential stint, Mr. Obama.  Only five states have a Democrat governor, House and Senate.   Republican governors rose from 22 to 31, Democrats falling from 28 to 18.  Republican state Senate seats rose from a 2009 level of 899 to 1,089, as Democrat seats fell from a 2009 level of 1,024 to 823.  Likewise, Republican state House seats rose from 2009 level of 2,334 to 3,029, as Democrats fell from 3,058 to 2,340.

Finally, Barack Obama seems bent on reminding everyone that “I did a pretty good job.”  This is more delusional than projecting, but both are similar in their detachment from reality.

If this is a pretty good job, Mr. Obama, play on.  Your legacy will be shrouded in this detachment from reality, and the history books will speak of riots from the left, not the right.  It will speak of the steep decline in your party’s stature.  These “successes” you delivered will speak for themselves.  The Democratic Party looks to pick up the pieces, if they can find them.  Accusations and “projections” from the left begin to fall on deaf ears. 

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