The US just had a bloodless revolution

The self-governing citizens of the United States have decided that they have had enough of their elite, globalist, one-world leadership and have thrown them out.  They have replaced the current “big government will take care of you because we know best how to do that” leaders who chose to act unilaterally, and unconstitutionally, with a nationalist-populist who intends to break things in Washington, stop doing business as usual, and consider the needs of the people in his governance.

Whether this will be good for America in the long run ultimately will be seen, but today there is euphoria across the country from ordinary citizens who have felt, for a long time, that they were being ignored by their government and that their voices were finally heard through the democratic process.

America, on November 9, 2016, is a different country from what it was on November 8.  For quite a while, the country has been run by those who think they are above the law, that the Constitution can be ignored, and that they are smarter than most of the citizens of the country.  Our leaders have disregarded the will of the people in their governance for the past 30 years or so.  The people have now taken charge.

What is it they want?  They want to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,” as stated in the Constitution.  The blessings of Liberty are realized only when there is less government in people’s everyday lives.

Now is the time for President Trump to reach out to all citizens of the country, declare that he is the president of all citizens of the United States, and ask for unity.

Now is the time when NeverTrumps; Bernie supporters; Hillary supporters; and, in fact, everyone have to come together for the sake of our country, wish the president-elect well, hope he governs with wisdom, and decide that we are all Americans and we want what is best for our country.

America is embarking on a new path forward.  We wish her well.

God bless America!

Gary Aminoff is the chairman of the Board of The American Freedom Alliance, lives in Los Angeles, and can be reached at

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