Trump’s historic opportunity on climate

Huge amounts of money are being squandered on useless, even counterproductive subsidies and regulations in the name of “halting climate change” (which has about as much a chance of succeeding as halting gravity).  As Holman Jenkins of the Wall Street Journal noted before the election, Green elites were facing a mortal threat.  That threat now has been realized.

The first step President Trump must take is to authorize an audit of climate research conducted with federal funds.  And he needs to appoint a panel of experts to evaluate the so-called “consensus,” as a prelude to defunding the many expensive programs to trivially affect the amount of CO2, a gas necessary for all life.

The flip-side of this approach would be large-scale opening of federal lands to resource development, which would generate jobs, income, exports, and energy security.  There is a formidable list of benefits from ditching the con game that was played on us.

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