Trump’s unheralded victory: Smashing the ‘Media Veto’

The propagandists of Democrats’ media machine have more than met their match in Donald Trump.

As conservatives know too well, until very recently, Republicans have gotten into the habit of caving in when push comes to shove on important issues.  Budget disputes “shutting down the government” are the pre-eminent example of this phenomenon.

Let’s call it the “Media Veto.”  It is actually a cooperative endeavor of the media and Democrats.  An actual conspiracy, if you will, a covert plan of action, hatched and carried out in secrecy.  And if you want to dismiss it as a conspiracy theory, it is one that has been validated by the facts, thanks to WikiLeaks documenting the level of corrupt collusion between major media and Democrat strategists.

Here is the basic script that is filled in with details appropriate to the immediate circumstances (the Hollywood branch of the political machine does this for a living): 

Act One

Cruel, evil, angry old white men try to do something inflicting hideous damage on the American people, particularly the vulnerable among us.  There’s nothing like fear to grab an audience.

Act Two

Horrible things happen.  Remember the sleigh rides at national parks that were canceled?  Great visuals with sad children.  Christmas link to themes of compassion, generosity, and other values the progressives pretend to embrace.

Act Three

The heroes in the Democratic Party listen to the cries for change coming from demonstrators, paid or not.  Faced with the enormity of their evil being discovered by the guardians in the media, Republicans cave in.

It has worked over and over again.

But in the candidacy of Donald Trump, this customary path to victory met its match.  And then some, because Trump was able to execute political jiu-jitsu and turn their demonization of him into an asset.

Donald Trump is a man of many parts, a fact that still eludes his critics, who don’t understand what a master or even a skilled serial entrepreneur does, and who dismiss him as a simpleton.  The relevant aspect of Trump here is his skill as a showman.  The last president who understood showmanship did pretty well despite being notoriously dismissed as an “amiable dunce.”

So Trump the showman constructed a counter-narrative, that the media are biased (as most of the public now believes) and that they are just trying to make him look bad.  Cue WikiLeaks.

The shock of Trump’s victory is severe for your garden-variety liberals, but for the media conspirators, it is catastrophic.  The very basis of their power has been rendered ineffective.

Of course, now they are doubling down, putting a negative spin on everything.  The penicillin may not be working, so they just increase the dosage.  Soon enough, the new President Trump will command the bully pulpit, so I am not sure their strategy will work.  And, even worse, all those other Republicans saw what happened and are starting to conclude that the media emperors may not have such a great wardrobe, after all.

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