Trump's victory not surprising to some of us

Yesterday my blog post at American Thinker, “Trump will win,” predicted that Trump would win.  Last week, my blog post at American Thinker, “Hillary worried about Pennsylvania,” discussed that Pennsylvania would vote for Trump.

Trump has won thanks my home state, Pennsylvania, where I proudly voted for him.  The two Republican Senate candidates who came out strongly against Trump, Heck in Nevada and Kirk in Illinois, lost.  Trump and his supporters owe no thanks to the Republicans like Kasich; McCain; the Bushes; much of the conservative media; all of the MSM; and, of course, the D.C. insiders.

Trump will have a Republican Congress to repeal Obamacare, reduce taxes, build the wall, rescind the Iran appeasement deal, and rescind many of the regulations issued by Obama’s agencies and his executive orders.

Trump should pardon as soon as he takes office the Navy seaman, Kristian Saucier, in prison for one year for taking photos of a submarine.  Maybe Hillary can take his place.  Look for Obama to pardon Hillary.

Next, the House should replace Paul Ryan as speaker, and the Senate should replace McConnell as majority leader.  Anyone is better than these two.  They have no fight and no vision, and they did not help Trump. Jeff Sessions should replace McConnell.

The Supreme Court and Second Amendment are safe.

Comey should resign to avoid hearing, “You’re fired.”

It was fun to watch Karl Rove and his ilk, look miserable, and fun to watch Lou Dobbs and Hannity look happy.

Time now to make America great again.

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