University calls 'America' themed party 'divisive' and 'alienating'

The insanity of American higher education was on full display at Loyola University in Maryland recently when a party planned by student government for seniors was heavily criticized for its "America" theme

After the election of Donald Trump, school administrators put enormous pressure on student government to change the theme, predicting that some students would be offended and feel "unsafe" at the university.  Students who received the emails from school authorities shared them anonymously, fearing retaliation by administrators.

Daily Caller:

The university’s executive vice president, Susan Donovan sent an email to two SGA members claiming she “talked with a number of students and heard from faculty members” about the party. “None of it is positive and it sounds very alienating, divisive and harmful.”

“I encourage you to reconsider this plan in light of the legitimate concerns raised by so many,” Donovan went on to say. “We have made progress in providing a welcoming climate on campus and do we want to reverse that progress with a theme that divides us?” Donovan did not return TheDC’s request for comment by press time.

Sheilah Horton, the university’s dean of students also tried to pressure students to change the party theme, in a lengthy email that portrayed the students as insensitive for not canceling the America theme.

Horton worried that the theme “provides an opportunity for students to dress or behave in a way that offends or oppresses others.”

Horton also said the administration would have to “deal with” any fallout from the party, which she worried would make students feel “unsafe.” She also worried that the America-themed party might keep potential students from attending Loyola and implied the event could be the “defining” incident of the senior class.

“Even one negative event, especially with social media can cause the campus community to feel unsafe; it can be shared with potential students which can have an effect on admissions and indeed can be the defining incident for the class of 2017,” she said.

“So, you have made a decision that in effect, has the potential to cause negative consequences for the university and even to the students whose behavior crosses the line,” she continued. Horton did not respond to TheDC’s request for comment by press time.

“I was amazed and shocked at not only the reaction and lack of confidence of the administration in our class and SGA itself, but how they handled everything including some of the rude things said about our organization. It is quite disgusting how people feel and see the word ‘America’ as something that is discriminatory,” said one student government representative, who wished to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation from the administration.

A few years ago, this would have been shocking.  An American university complaining about a celebration of America? 

But the anti-intellectuals who run America's colleges have a cartoonish and one-dimensional view of the United States as do those students who have to go out of their way and force themselves to be "offended" by the celebration of a country that more than any other in history has empowered ordinary people and changed the course of history.

You've probably noticed the spate of commentary since the election that equates the simple, direct patriotism of the American people with some sort of dangerous "nationalism" as if demanding that our leaders stand up for and protect American interests is somehow a quasi-fascist worldview.  Americans who love their country are being branded "racist" and "making America great again" a slogan of imperialism and tribalism.

Those seniors at Loyola who went ahead and held the event anyway should be commended for standing up to the bullying and threats of ignorant administrators and snowflakes in the student body.

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