Astonishing number of fake hate crimes since Trump election

A shocking number of hate crimes some widely reported by the media have turned out to be hoaxes, according to Fox News.

One of the biggest tall tales involved the burning of an all black Mississippi church where pro-Trump graffiti had been scrawled on the charred walls.

The mayor of Greenville, Miss., where the arson took place, automatically assumed that the church burning was the work of white racists:

“I see this as an attack on the black church and the black community,” Mayor Errick Simmons said in a press conference following the fire, calling the incident a “direct assault on people’s right to freely worship.”

The Jackson field office for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and Explosives, will assist with the hate crime investigation, which is standard practice after church fires. Greenville Police Chief Delando Wilson said investigators are interviewing possible witnesses but “don’t have any suspects at this time.” They are, however, talking to a person of interest.

Online, church supporters raised more than the $10,000 goal set in a GoFund Me drive to help the 200-person congregation rebuild. When describing the fundraiser, organizer J. Blair Reeves Jr., cited the historic implications of racially motivated attacks on black churches.

“The animus of this election cycle combined with the potent racial history of burning black churches as a political symbol makes this event something we must not ignore,” he said.

But yesterday, authorities arrested a black man for the crime a member of the church's congregation:

Mississippi authorities have made an arrest in the burning of an African-American church spray-painted with the words, “Vote Trump.”

Mississippi Department of Public Safety spokesman Warren Strain says Andrew McClinton of Leland, Mississippi, who is African-American, is charged with first-degree arson of a place of worship.

Fox News compiled a partial list of hoax hate crimes many of which you have probably read about:

A Muslim teenager from Long Island by the name of Yasmin Seweid told authorities that she was harassed on the subway by men who yelled "Donald Trump!" while trying to remove her hijab. The police said within two weeks that she admitted she was lying because she broke her curfew; she now faces charges of filing and false report. 

A Muslim woman in Louisiana claimied that she was attacked and had her hijab ripped off. The Lafayette Police Departmenet said that she "admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males."

A hateful note on a white board at Elon Univeristy in North Carolina that read "Bye Bye Latinos Hasta La Vista" was actually satire written by a Latino student at the school, according to the Elon News Network.

Hateful notes allegedly sent to a North Park University student in Chicago were "fabricated" according to David Parkyn, the university's president. The student said on Nov. 14 she had received messages taped to her door containing harassing language and mentions of Trump.

University of Minnesota student Kathy Mirah Tu alleged that she was accosted by white men and told to "go back to Asia." The University's police department and the Minneapolis Police Department said they had no record of the incident and Tu's Facebook post later disappeared.

It seems that hate crimes against Muslims are particularly prone to hoaxing:

A Muslim University of Michigan student who said that a man threatened to light her on fire if she didn't remove her hijab was lying about the incident, police officials said. After reviewing hours of footage and speaking the businesses in the area, they could not corroborate her claims.

The hoaxes must be seen in the contex of the post-election hysteria about Trump deliberately generated by the left to, 1) energize their supporters to oppose the president-elect's agenda; and 2) delegitimize Trump's victory.  Add to that the natural inclination of some people to do anything to get attention, and you have a potent mix of fear and hate that leads to the current spate of fake "hate crimes" that the media eagerly reports as they try to justify their open opposition to Trump's candidacy.

Perhaps this hysteria reached its pinnacle on a JetBlue flight, when a gay Brooklyn lawyer began screaming at Ivanka Trump, saying her father was "ruining the country."

Dan Goldstein and his Hillary supporter husband Matthew Lasner were thrown off of the JetBlue flight from New York to San Francisco on Thursday when they accosted the future first daughter and started shouting at her.

While holding a child in his arms Goldstein, 35,  began screaming: 'Why is she on our flight. She should be flying private.'

Ivanka paid as little attention as possible and tried to preoccupy her children with some crayons to diffuse the situation until the crew escorted him off the plane.

Lasner, said that was not what happened however on Twitter, writing: 'My husband expressed his displeasure in a calm tone, JetBlue staff overheard, and they kicked us off the plane.' 

But just an hour prior to that Lasner wrote on Twitter: 'Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them. #banalityofevil' 

Lasner has been very vocal about his distaste for Trump on Twitter, writing shortly after the election about marching against the President-elect. 

Lasner deleted his Twitter account after the incident to hide his lies about what happened.

Ivanka Trump pleaded with the crew not to kick anyone off the plane because of the incident, but JetBlue explained the reason for the expulsion of the gay couple:

JetBlue released a statement on Thursday morning saying: 'The decision to remove a customer from a flight is not taken lightly. If the crew determines that a customer is causing a conflict on the aircraft, the customer will be asked to deplane, especially if the crew feels the situation runs the risk of escalation during flight.'

You would think the hysteria would gave died down by now, but instead, every day brings new "outrages" over something Trump has said or done.  As long as the media is going to report Trump's doing with hateful bias, it's going to continue.

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