California Democrats misinterpreting supermajority status

When a giant ship is slowly turning, you don't notice it fully unless you are on deck.  If you are down below in the tiki bar, head buried in a hollowed out coconut full of umbrellas, you may entirely miss the direction of where you are headed.

As a nation, if you are a California Democrat legislator, you are definitely below the water line, insulated from your vestibular tracking mechanism.

After California Democrats shored up two-thirds supermajority control of the legislature, holding 27 out of 40 senate seats, in addition to an already ossified barnacle like Jerry Brown – a relic, really – the early signs were reactionary venom from their misinterpretation of the forward momentum of the nation when compared to their stationary position of being left entirely behind.

Especially worrisome were the remarks of Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount), who mounted an attack on any of Donald Trump's actions that would unwind climate reform legislation or the ACA.  The bigger fight with Trump, however, appears to be over immigration, and that rhetoric was coming from Xavier Becerra, the A.G. of the State.

Democrats don't care about climate; they want only to tax it more.  They don't care about health care; they want only to control it more through taxes and regulations.  They don't care about immigrants, either, but they know that immigrants are the best way to secure Democrat power.  They pretend to like their constituents, but we all know it's just a con game, since none of these policies works.  It is merely the swamp of power that Democrats want to do cannon balls and belly-flops into, using cuddly Care Bear diction to cover their tracks.

California is still suffering from a hope and change hangover.  Residents are eating the congealed leftovers of a TV tray tin, licking the hard peas embedded into the burnt brownie, after falling asleep watching last night's PBS rerun on Vermont syrup and holiday sweater-making.

California used to be ahead of the game, the leader, the state of Ronald Reagan.  Now Californians are clinging to the ghost of Obama past, still trying to peddle socialism's charms, late to the party and lost.  

So, they'll try something new.  Another gimmick.  Apparently, Barbara Boxer's skin doesn't stretch as far as Nancy Pelosi's, and so, after stepping down, they were able to shoehorn in a younger version, populist Kamala Harris, who, like the others mentioned, unsurprisingly said she was "going to resist President Trump" on all  the same bullet points, like a brave little socialist puppet with a prerecorded voice message activated by a neck pullstring.

And so they will double down on dumb, as they always do, misinterpreting their own nation. Bookended as they are, appropriately so, on the left side of the map, they will now spin tales as the "new resistance," with themselves as brave little fighters who have now sworn to fight the federal government.   It will be interesting when they run into the same problem Jan Brewer did – Brewer being the then-governor from Arizona, who fought Obama to actually enforce the law and challenged the government to stop the drug cartels from entering her state illegally.  The law in question was ironically found unconstitutional.  Trump should step right into that fight, head on, and get into California's face for violating federal law, knowing that the courts cannot backtrack on their own precedent.  And he should do it soon rather than wait.  Get your boot print firmly on the neck of these political insurgents, Donald, and bring down the full weight of the federal government on each of them.  

And if they want to try the same thing with having a statewide Obamacare after Trump removes it nationally, I say make the national program so good, so inexpensive and competitive, that California goes bankrupt trying to compete as people vacate the state for good. 

Bring your fight, senators, governor – bring all you got, because in the end, socialism does not work.  If you want to continue to wreck the state, in the end, you won't have one left to wreck.  You will do it to yourselves and to your people as you continue to misinterpret reality itself.

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