Did a Red Bear just poop in the Oval Office?

When someone asks a question for which the answer is glaringly obvious, there's a traditional sarcastic response: does a wild bear s--- in the woods?  My every consideration of the recent dealings between our inept president and the president of the Russian Federation leaves me with a mental image of a steaming heap of Russian "contempt" piled right in the center of that desk Barack Obama is so fond of using as a foot rest.

Let's not go into all the lead-ups to the most recent events that have shown the world quite obviously what happens when you match up a community organizer against a KGB colonel.  It is no match, as the world has long suspected and now knows without question: that Democrat jackass in our White House has just had his haunches chewed to a pinkish political pulp by a nimble Russian Bear.  Despots the world over are chuckling into their sleeves that this arrogant product of political correctness and its ugly stepchild, affirmative action, is now, in the very last weeks of his ruinous reign, finally getting his comeuppance in a totally satisfying public manner.

Although I must credit Vladimir Putin for outmaneuvering our inept Barry, make no mistake: I trust Vlad no farther than I could toss an angry Ursus Rubeus, so please save yourselves the heated comments labeling me a traitor or whatever.  The truth is, I simply can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction seeing this phony in our White House finally expose himself for the inept pretender he is.  That he has managed to do it so openly is even more satisfying.  My suspicion that Obama's actions are more focused on creating difficulties for the incoming American chief of state than actually punishing Russia for any cyber-transgressions inclines me even more to take delight in the way he has been outmaneuvered on the world stage and shown to be the ineffectual fool he has always been.  And I do believe that the Russian bear has taken a healthy dump in our Oval Office.

I can hear Barry now: "Will somebody get in here and get this pile of Putin's bear poop off my desk?  Well, damn all if I didn't get it on my shoes!"

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