Fed up with Facebook

I made perhaps the worst mistake of my life recently when I happened to investigate Facebook, a site I’ve never had an account on (nor shall I ever).  My three hours of clicking, observing, reflecting, led into a climax of projectile vomit, seeing what some-odd hundreds of old friends, ex-lovers, acquaintances, and the rest were up to these days.  And while my intentions were inquisitive and good, boy, was I wrong.

At first I noticed a recurring trend: every single person, many of whom do not even know each other, all had French flag colors over their pictures, so as to immortalize the Paris massacre.

These are the same people fighting for Islamists to pour into their cities and their towns.

Next, I noticed that nearly every single one of these people had profile pictures of Bernie Sanders still up.

The election is long over, and Bernie Sanders took $220,000,000, gave the nomination to Hillary Clinton, and vanished.

I suppose that what alarmed me the most (save the abundance of meaningless tattoos) was the ethereal obsession with Hillary Clinton.  There were links to no other sites – I kid you not – than CNN, Huffington Post, and Slate.

These people refer to themselves as “hipsters.”  A typical comment, with over 100 “likes,” would be something like “I don’t believe in God, but thank you God for killing Justice Scullia.”

Another trend is the overwhelming majority of white women and men rigorously supporting Black Lives Matter, which is nothing more than the black KKK.

Key words: Bigot, Xenophobe, Transphobia, Homophobia, Islamophobia.

I had a chance to talk to one of these women prior to my incidental research, and as an ardent activist on Islam, I inquired if she’d ever lived next door to a “refugee”; ever met one; or, further, had ever even picked up the Quran or Hadiths.

Answer: “None of that even matters.”

Yet perhaps the most alarming thing I found in common was all of these Progressives involved in suburban incestuous relationships.  I could not believe how many divorcées were now dating once-mutual friends.

At once I contemplated the disastrous combination of liberal fascism and the small town.  Ex-girlfriends sleeping with old friends, old friends in “open Relationships,” with any number of people I went to high school with.

All of these people unanimously supported Hillary Clinton.  On November 9, all were crying, creating safe spaces, or encouraging further futile protests.

Liberal fascists either scream or cry.  The sole thing separating them from the infant would be occasional rest in silence.

How can any woman rave about women’s rights, linking a song to someone I had never heard of named Jay-Z?

I looked him up, too.  In his world, women are hoes; men are pimps; drug addiction and drug dealing is celebrated; murder and prison are just another part of life.

Perhaps they like this kind of insane rhetoric because it taps into their collective subconscious.

What I have seen is that while raging feminists online and on the street, they all, as Bob Dylan once wrote, “break like little girls.”

In liberal world, false is truth and truth is false.  I have never seen anything more Orwellian since the last time I picked up a newspaper.

How many times can the same people keep sleeping with the same people and yet chant freedom and progress every chance they get?

I must have seen at least 5,000 pictures over the course of the malaise of those three hours.  All of them advocate positivity.  All of them advocate rebellion.  All of them advocate egotism.

How many pictures must one take of oneself before one realizing that one’s emotional capacity has broken down into the number of likes each picture receives?

It is one thing to endure the posthumous trauma of knowing one has been deceived; it’s another to have been beaten in the race and, instead of reconsidering one’s lifestyle choices, elevate hedonism to a godless plateau.

For years I ran into people who had no idea I was even alive.  Every time, false laughter leads into “well, you weren’t on Facebook!”

Much good would come in replacing social networking with a library card.  To align oneself with nothing more than like-minded opinions and reject the others is to deny objective truth altogether.

Thus, I am not surprised that the friends, lovers, and acquaintances from my past seem caught in a web of a suburban incest.  This is the reason I never signed up to begin with.  I was praying to be proven wrong.  Still, all I see are socialists who would never dare even visit a socialist nation.  All I see are feminists who break like little girls.  All I see are trust fund children proclaiming poverty.  All I see is the digital display of women and men not succumbing to realizations, but having another incestuous, temporal suburban affair, less out of love than out of unspoken futility.

As Thomas Merton once wrote, “Magic Hell is Swallowing Flies.”

I do not want to think of the majority of the people who once meant so much to me as flies.  Yet they succumb to the web with a hatred of free speech.  They want to destroy the Constitution, but only because they’ve never read the Constitution or lived in a land without it.  They claim to hate all religion, yet every last one explicitly ever attacks Christianity.

And therein I say, woefully: If you hate your land, you can leave your land.

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