Hillary has gone full Jake Blues

Hillary has more excuses for why she didn't win the election than Jake Blues.  Who can forget that classic scene in the Blues Brothers movie where John Belushi character is staring down a machine gun in a sewer and he tries to explain to his fiancée why he left her at the altar? 

Jake Blues managed to avoid being shot by sniveling and groveling.  I don't know what Hillary is hoping to salvage by likewise embarrassing herself so publicly.  Like all good liberals, she should take her participation trophy and go home.  If she is hoping to rebuild her clout and influence so she can go hat in hand to her cronies around the world looking for "gifts" for her piggy bank of a foundation, she's not helping by lowering herself to the standards of her constituency.

Reality is that she lost because she was a bad candidate who ran a worse campaign. She's the first presidential candidate to run solely based on a platform that she's not the other guy.  Her answer to questions about her positions on any subject was to visit her website.  She sent her husband and her operatives around the country while she met with billionaires in their Hollywood or Manhattan homes.  Her opponent, on the other hand, was making dozens of campaign stops all around the country every week.  She avoided the press for 270 days, and when she finally had a presser, it was at an invitation-only Democratic event.  When Trump wasn't giving speeches in front of tens of thousands of people, he was doing interviews on friendly and enemy television and radio stations.

None of this matters, because it wasn't her fault.

The liberal media are like Jake's jilted fiancé.  They're getting all weepy and falling for it – not because they believe it, but because it's what they want to hear.  Like usual, they're following all the shiny things that Clinton is scattering about.  And just like Jake's fiancée, they'll only be left lying on their backs in a pool of sewage.

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