Kremlin response to Obama's expulsions? Laughter

Early Thursday, President Obama's State Department posted notice of new sanctions against Russia and the expulsion of 35 diplomats in retaliation for its claimed (yet still unsubstantiated) allegations of Russian hacking of the U.S. election. 

The New York Times intoned that it was the greatest mass spy expulsion since the Cold War.

But the Kremlin response?  Laughter.

Monitoring the Russian press and the Kremlin's Twitter feed, there hasn't been anything so far in the way of a response, but two embassies have been having a field day.

The Russian embassy in the U.K. tweeted a photograph of a fluffy duckling with the word LAME stamped across it and wrote

The Russian embassy in the U.S. was more subtle. writing in a pinned tweet the statement: 

Below that, they posted a link to President Putin's gushing congratulations of Donald Trump and the American people in the aftermath of the election, reminding Obama they can see perfectly what this is about.

You know it's bad when the Kremlin laughs at you for kicking out 35 of its diplomats.

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