Maxine Waters refuses to meet with Trump to find common ground

You stay classy, Maxine Waters.  There is nothing like slapping away an open hand even before it is offered to solidify your reputation as a crank.  Cameron Cawthorne of the Free Beacon reports:

Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.), a ranking member on the House Financial Services Committee, said on Monday that she refuses to sit down with President-elect Donald Trump to find common ground on policy differences.

MSNBC host Jacob Soboroff asked Waters whether she agreed with incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D., N.Y.) strategy of working with the Trump administration on areas they can find agreement.

“No, absolutely. I do not agree. I tell you that been a problem in my party that when we are in power, we are nice. We bend over backwards to work with people,” Waters said. “Trump has stepped on everybody. He has no respect for his own colleagues, let alone those on the opposite side of the aisle.” (snip)

“I have no intention of pretending everything is alright and that we are going to work together. For me, as the ranking member of the Financial Service Committee, where he said he’s going to bring down Dodd-Frank and he’s going to get rid of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, I am going to fight him every inch of the way,” Waters said.

Watch for yourself:

I am not sure that anger and bitterness are an effective platform for the Democrats, but I hope they continue this policy.

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