Military vs. civilian leadership: The real record

As the Left raises the drumbeat of opposition to everything Trump, especially the recruitment of retired military officers for cabinet and sub-cabinet positions with the specious claim of “civilian control” of the military, let me refresh some memories. Or in some cases. perhaps most, provide brand-new information.

Two outstanding Americans of the last century were in their dual capacity of soldier and civilian instrumental in developing the Western democracies of the latter part of the 20th century and changing the course of history.

The major force in the Pacific was General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, a Medal of Honor recipient, and the Military Governor of postwar Japan who brought that country out of  feudalism into the 20th century world. His astute handling of immediate postwar Japan and guidance of that country in developing a Constitution has given us a powerful democratic ally in the defense of the Pacific as well as a significant trading partner in this modern era of global commerce.

The other major military figure was General of the Army George C. Marshall, Army Chief of Staff during World War II and subsequently secretary of state and the author of the “Marshal Plan” which helped to bring Western Europe out of the devastation of World War II and establish the democrat counterpart to the Soviet Union and the Iron Curtain. He was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.

These are two of the most noteworthy individuals who have combined military and civilian careers for the betterment of the world. For the hysterical leftists of this country like the senator from New York who has already said she will vote against James Mattis for secretary of defense, I would encourage them to take a short history lesson and try to learn rather than emotionally and politically bloviate.

Let us not forget Dwight Eisenhower, general and president, Ulysses S. Grant, general and president or, at the beginning, George Washington, general and president.

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