Neal Gabler proclaims America dead

A few days after the election, author/journalist Neal Gabler penned an epic rant on Bill Moyers's website entitled "Farewell, America."  It must be read to grasp the twisted nature of the hysteria the American left is buckling under.   

In Gabler's view, Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton signals the end of America: "America died on Nov. 8, 2016, not with a bang or a whimper, but at its own hand, via electoral suicide."  So unbelieving in this turn of events, he has pronounced the United States on death watch.  He is thoroughly convinced that an enormous number of American citizens are indeed hateful and deplorable.  If he ever caught a glimpse of that electoral map, the red one with a few blue states and isolated counties, its significance was lost to him.

He, of course, has everything backwards.  Gabler believes that the rest of the world will "now look at us differently" (they will, a good thing) now that we are a "pariah nation" (we have been a pariah nation for eight years).  He quotes Auden's poem of despair at the beginning of WWII, "September 1, 1939."  He thinks we must all brace for the violence, anger, racism, misogyny, blah, blah, blah, and all that the "white sense of grievance" that has now been unleashed is going to bring with Trump's victory!  He bemoans his conviction that "the thinnest veneer of civility" that has lurked under the hatred of these horrific people who voted for Trump is gone.  The man is in a frenzy.  He is melting as surely as if he were a pampered college freshman who was never exposed to a differing opinion and must be protected from them still. 

Gabler actually thinks Trump voters are all white men who feel emasculated by women and challenged by minorities!  He missed the news that millions of women voted for Trump, as did more minorities than voted for Romney.  So did millions of college-educated people.  In Gabler's blinkered brain, every Trump voter was "seething" with resentment, waiting for a demagogue to arrive.  Now he has learned that America is no longer exceptional, good, progressive, or united!  This man has really been cloistered in that bubble of the left, that media-academy-D.C. establishment bubble  of superiority and contentment people like Gabler so blissfully inhabit.

The proverbial American "we" is no longer any of those good things.  No.  For this distraught man, Trump voters are extremists who disrespect the "process."  He is apparently unaware of Obama's countless abuses of the Constitution, of that "process" of abiding by it to which previous presidents have generally held.  It is the establishment left, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and their ilk who have tirelessly worked to undermine our founding document.  Gabler has missed the fact that the left has been largely successful in circumventing the democratic republic the Founders created.  The Democratic Party has been in power nearly half of the last thirty-six years.  The last eight have done the most damage to Gabler's beloved "process." 

"Democracy can't cope with extremism," Gabler wrote.  But it can and it has for two hundred forty years.  Does Gabler not know about the level of extremism that plagued the colonists throughout the Revolutionary War?  The vicious extremism that permeated the Civil War years and ended with Lincoln's assassination?  The radical extremism in America that led to our capitulation and the deaths of millions during Vietnam War?  This Republic was set up to hear and to include extremists.  Were not the abolitionists the extremists of their day?  The Southern Democrats, from Reconstruction to the Civil Rights Movement, thought the integrationists were extremists.  History suggests that extremists who prevail are the good guys.  Gabler might give that a thought.

The media, Gabler writes, deserve blame for "enabling an authoritarian" but as any sentient person knows, the mainstream media did everything in their power to defeat the man.  The NYT willingly and openly threw objectivity aside in their attempt to take Trump down.  The mainstream media have become the makers of fake news while the alternative media spread the actual truth.  Sure, there are some irresponsible alt sites on both the left and the right, but they are easily distinguishable from the legitimate ones.

Gabler thinks "truthful journalism is dead, never to be revived."  But it is alive and well off the pages of the NYT, WaPo, and the LAT (and Rolling Stone).  Trump was right to run against the mainstream media; there is no truth or objectivity there.

Like so many of the shocked left, Gabler is a man in agony.  The "disgruntled white Americans" he so loathes and blames have, momentarily at least, reclaimed their voice in the public sphere and won a measure of influence over their immediate future.  Few but he and his like-minded devastated leftists who believed they had firm control of those lesser beings in flyover country have any sympathy for Gabler's misery.  Like the rest of the left, Gabler could care less that Hillary Clinton was and is the most corrupt person to ever run for the presidency.  He probably reveres Castro, too.  The left does not care about character, honesty, decency, or truth.  Gabler and his pals care only about winning and maintaining control of the millions of Americans for which they feel nothing but sneering derision.

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