Once again media predict disaster

The media and Democrats are up in arms today because Trump had the gall to actually talk to the President of Taiwan in defiance of the Communist Mainland regime’s wishes.  Something bad is supposed to happen because…well it’s Trump.  

They always warn of disaster then their preferred policies and politicians are rejected by voters. Remember when the media and establishment also warned of a disaster if Great Britain exited from their masters the European Union?  So far the UK looks OK.

We were warned that if we elected a President that dared talk about smaller government and giving power back to the people that the stock market would collapse. We needed a President who would continue to take a greater share of power and money for the government. The pundits have been wrong so far.

I still remember when we were told President Reagan would start World War III when he walked away from Gorbachev in Iceland. Instead the Soviet Union collapsed and the Berlin Wall came down and the Cold War ended.

Of course the media and the Democrats consider it absolutely brilliant that President Obama lifted up the collapsing Iran with over a hundred billion dollars and pallets full of cash to spread terrorism around the World, and loves it when Obama props up the oppressive, Communist regime in Cuba that holds people down and punishes those that disagree. President Obama did nothing to push freedom for the Iranian people and he did nothing to actually take away the power of the regime in Cuba.

President Obama will call tea party members terrorists but has more trouble referring to actual terrorists as terrorists.

There is a common theme to all of this. To Democrats and the media, freedom of the people and of countries is secondary to government power. 

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