Can Trump keep his promises?

If Washington, D.C. has a motto, it is probably something like “It can’t be done.”  If it can be done, then the motto becomes “That’s not the way we do things around here.”  One could list a great many more.  All of them have a common theme: obstructionism.

Then came Trump.

He could not be nominated.  He was.  He could not win the general election.  He did.  He cannot keep his campaign promises.  Can he?

Trump’s goals are not small ones.  If he achieves them, he will, to borrow words from a discredited president, “fundamentally transform America.”  Obama came dangerously close to wrecking the nation.  It will take an innovative and bold new president, along with a loyal Congress, to repair the damage.

Trump will not be content merely to repair the devastation that on so many levels has been inflicted.  He intends to move on from there, to, as you already know, “make America great again.”

While his critics decry the slogan, while they proclaim that America was never great, Trump has set his goals so high that they may startle even his adherents.  Here is one of those goals gleaned from today’s news.

Headline: Trump eyes 10 percent spending cuts, 20 percent slash of federal workers

For decades now, it has been common knowledge that the federal government is too large an understatement, indeed and scandalously wasteful.  This is to be expected when unaccountable people spend other peoples’ money.  How can this insanity have been allowed to go on for so long?

Unfortunately, it has, and it has done so because vast numbers of thieves and crooks inhabit the halls of power.  From the Senate to the dog catcher, they are all guilty.  The brother-in-law rule applies, which says, I won’t expose your bro-in-law to prosecution if you don’t expose mine.  “Can we all just get along?”

Up until a few months ago, I would have added my name to the list of miscreants, and yours also, because we have continually voted miscreants into power.  I hereby absolve us of guilt.  We finally voted into power the right man, hopefully at the right time and place, to wreck the corrupt establishment and replace it with an honest and effective government.

No, it will not be all rainbows and unicorns from here out.  Quite to the contrary, it will be “blood, toil, tears and sweat.”  We have legions of enemies who will storm the gates, who will lie, cheat, and steal, indeed, even kill, to continue their parasitic existence for as long as they possibly can.

It will not have been sufficient that we elected a wise and strong advocate for the common man.  We, the common men and women, must roll up our sleeves, get dirty, be reviled, and struggle to save the nation.

Not long before the election of Donald Trump, a great many of us expressed the fear that we were facing our last and final chance to save the republic.  We were.

“…if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions.” — George Washington, General Orders, 1776

Trump does not represent victory.  He represents struggle.  Let the revolution begin.

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