CBC plans to rehang painting depicting cops and pigs

A painting depicting police as pigs will be rehung in a ceremony today sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus.  The offensive work of "art" was taken down by Rep. Duncan Hunter after protests by tens of thousands of law enforcement officers.

The painting, a prize-winner in a congressional art contest in St. Louis, was originally hung by Rep. Lacy Clay, whose office sponsored the contest.

Washington Examiner:

Rep. William Lacy Clay, D-Mo., and other black lawmakers will hold a Tuesday event to rehang a painting that depicts police as pigs, just days after Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., took it down.

A top aide to Clay told the Washington Examiner Clay also plans to file a "complaint" with the U.S. Capitol Police against Hunter for removing the painting. Last week, Hunter removed a painting by high school student David Pulphus that shows police depicted as pigs in a standoff with protesters.

The painting won Clay's congressional art competition in May 2016, and is an ode to the protests in Ferguson, Mo., which falls in Clay's district. Other works of art produced by students are also hung in the Cannon Office Building tunnel.

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus will hold an event Tuesday morning to rehang the painting in the tunnel.

Clay wanted the Capitol Police to charge Hunter with theft:


Missouri Rep. Lacy Clay attempted to file a police report for theft against Rep. Duncan Hunter for removing a student painting without permission, but the request was denied by Capitol police, according to an email obtained by POLITICO.

“Our office was informed an hour ago that you personally declined to take an official complaint from U.S. Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay regarding the theft of his district painting on loan to the US House for display,” Yvette Cravins, Clay’s chief of staff, wrote in an email to Capitol Police Chief Matthew Verderosa.

n the email, Cravins asks why the attempt to file the report was denied given that Hunter (R-Calif.) removed the painting — which depicts police officers as animals in a standoff with Ferguson, Mo., protesters — without permission.

“There is a clear D.C. statute that defines theft — it is a taking and carrying away of the property of another without right,” Cravins wrote. “If you have a different perspective please explain. Further, please explain why Congressman Duncan Hunter appears to be above the law.”

Clay plans to rehang the painting in the Cannon Office Building tunnel Tuesday morning and has encouraged other members of the Congressional Black Caucus to join him for the ceremony.

After removing the painting, Hunter brought it to Rep. Clay's office, so the idea that Hunter "stole" the painting is giggle-worthy.

No doubt the Capitol Police thought the same thing.

The CBC has, if nothing else, impeccable timing.  On Law Enforcement Appreciation Day in Orlando, one African-American police officer was shot to death by a fugitive and another died while pursiing the murderer.  I guess that the CBC believes that nothing shows appreciation for law enforcement quite like portraying them as pigs.

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