Disabled man tortured by Trump-cursing group broadcast on Facebook

Another sickening story out of blood-soaked Chicago.

From Fox 32 Chicago:

Chicago investigators are questioning four African-Americans after a Facebook Live video shows a group of people torturing a white mentally disabled man while someone yelled ‘F*** Trump!’ and ‘F*** white people!’….

Chicago police were made aware of the video Tuesday afternoon. A young African American woman streamed the video live on Facebook showing at least four people holding the young white man hostage….

Throughout the video, the victim is repeatedly kicked and hit, his scalp is cut, all while he is tied up with his mouth taped shut. At one point, the victim is held at knife point and told to curse President-elect Donald Trump. The group also forces the victim to drink water from a toilet.

What continues to irk me is that a prominent (liberal) member of the Catholic clergy, Father Michael Pfleger, who seems to get nearly equal air time from the Chicago media as “Godfather” Rahm Emanuel does, takes to Facebook to blast the police and President-Elect Trump and the Archdiocese of Chicago lets him get away with it.

In a Jan. 3 post, Pfleger wrote: “There is no question that Chicago is in a crisis ... but when Donald Trump offers to fix it ... it frightens me[.] … Perhaps Mr. Trump could begin by coming and asking people in Chicago.”

And last month, Pfleger wrote: “The City of Chicago may have taken down the TRUMP street sign, but the mean spiritness [sic], people bashing, military sounding, hate bating [sic] arrogance loosened by him during the election is alive and well in Chicago and America...it’s like when the confederate flag was removed...the principles it stood for are still flying......that's our real task.....not just to remove a sign or a flag...but remove the spirit they represent.”

Pfleger’s rhetoric pours gasoline on the fire, yet the archdiocese will likely do nothing to discipline him.  Now, if he were to publicly criticize Pope Francis for, say, being too liberal in certain respects (which he won’t, of course), he’d be sent packing.

As of the time this blog entry was submitted, there’s no mention of the torture incident on Pfleger’s Facebook page, which has over 108,000 “likes.”  Nor is there any mention of the incident on the archdiocese’s Facebook page, which has fewer than 6,000 “likes.” (However, there is a post about the 11th Annual Posada – Seeking Immigration Reform.  Go figure.)

As for Mr. Trump making a trip to the Windy City, I doubt he’s overly eager to do so.  Not that I blame him, considering what transpired the last time he planned to make an appearance here. 

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