Inauguration protests could get very ugly

Protestors are promising to disrupt many of the events surrounding Donald Trump's inauguration, with some protest leaders promising violence.

No venue will be safe from protestors, including the inaugural parade, inaugural balls, and every place in betweeen.

Daily Caller:

On the day of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration protesters are planning an anti-capitalist march, road blockades and disruptions to inauguration balls. The protests will likely include property destruction, a source with intimate knowledge of the protest plans told The Daily Caller Friday.

The blockades are not limited to roads but will also be at every security checkpoint, the source said. The source added that the protesters blockading each checkpoint will represent a different liberal cause such as climate change or money in politics.

A group called #DisruptJ20 is the most active in the planned protests for the inauguration.

Organizers for #DisruptJ20 are planning to kick off the inauguration protests on Jan. 18 with a gay dance party outside of Vice President-elect Mike Pence’s Chevy Chase, MD home.

Fox News reported Friday on audio of a protester saying #Disrupt20 plans to “crash” the pro-Trump “Deploraball” on Jan. 19, which The Daily Caller’s source confirmed. The source said that several of the balls on inauguration night will be disrupted as well.

The Fox News report also described an anti-capitalist protest emanating from Logan Circle on the morning of the inauguration. The individual with intimate knowledge of the protests told TheDC that property damage will likely result from the protest.

Thousands of police officers from across the nation, 5,000 National Guard troops and local police will be providing security for the inauguration.

The potential for clashes between pro and anti-Trump demonstrators is high. Motorcycle groups plan on countering anti-Trump protestors with demonstrations of their own. And clashes with security are guaranteed given that the protestors want to crash private events in order to disrupt them.

No doubt most protestors will be peaceful, which the press will be sure to point out no matter how much violence there is. But the mob is a funny thing and once violence begins, even the most peaceful of protestors can lose their cool. 

Along the parade route, there are going to be thousands of armed law enforcement personnel. Despite heavy security and screening along the route, it's a distinct possibility that some protesters will avoid detection and do their best to spoil Trump's triumph. With all the over the top, overheated, hysterical rhetoric about how dangerous Trump is to America, you hope that there is no incident that threatens the president elect or anyone else.

But don't bet on it.



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