Inside the mind of a Trump-hater

Every once in a while, I encounter someone or other whom my head tells me I should despise, but instead, I feel strangely sorry for that person.  Here is a video example of that:

In the video, an older woman on an airliner chooses to berate the man seated beside her because he supports President Trump.  It is a sad depiction of the depths to which Trump-haters are sinking.

Many who will read this may deplore (may we conservatives use that word, or just Hillary?) the pathetic woman – but for my part, I sort of wish that I had been in the place of that unfortunate passenger.  I think I could have endured an hour or two of flight time at her side.  I think something good may have come of listening to her, perhaps gaining an insight into the mind of a hater – and make no mistake about it: that is what she is, despite whatever sympathies we might feel for her plight as she is removed by police from the plane.

I wasn't there, and I can only guess at what goes on inside the mind of such a person.  Dare I venture there?

We have already seen other examples of this before.  Do you remember the videotaped moronic outburst of a Trump-hating airline passenger when he recognized Ivanka Trump on his (get this) JetBlue Airlines flight?  Or the college professor who was recorded on video engaging in Trump-bashing in class?

Similar idiotic behavior, then known as Palin Derangement Syndrome, went on for several months beginning in 2008 when Sarah Palin was picked for the V.P. slot by Senator John McCain.  Legions of reporters struggled in vain to dig up dirt on Governor Palin, and when they failed to find any, they proceeded to, as Palin put it, "make stuff up."

No doubt, many of us conservatives had strongly negative opinions about Barack Obama (which was perhaps the only thing we had in common with Hillary Clinton).  But I don't remember those feelings being exhibited in personal confrontations with randomly encountered persons in similar venues.  For example, in August of 2009, I participated in the Tea Party march in Washington, D.C., and maybe memory fails me, but I can't remember torching any cars.  On the contrary, we even cleaned up after ourselves, leaving no litter.  Compare this with photos taken just after the liberals who participated in the so-called "Million-Man March."  They turned the National Mall into a dump.

In their favor, we might excuse the Trump-haters on the grounds that they have been brainwashed by years of liberal domination of fake news, entertainment, and mis-education.  We conservatives, on the other hand, have been forced to do the hard work of thinking for ourselves.  We are forced to get along in life, bereft of the great wisdom imparted by Madonna and her ilk.  Somehow, we survive.

The woman on the plane seemed outraged that Trump does not, she claims, believe in climate change.  Obviously, she has never heard of the Ice Age.  Funny – it used to be global cooling.  Then it was warming.  If the science is so settled, why does it keep changing?  It's all so confusing.

Confusion.  Perhaps that is what goes on inside their brains.  That would certainly explain it.  If not, I would dearly love to sit for tea and crumpets with the lady and engage in cordial and mutually respectful discussion with her.

Somehow, though, I doubt that would be possible.

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