Inspector general to investigate pre-election actions by DoJ, FBI

The inspector general of the Department of Justice, Michael E. Horowitz, announced that he will open an investigation into the actions of FBI director James Comey and others in the Justice Department relating to Comey's actions in the lead-up to the election.  Democrats celebrated the news, as they believe that Comey's release of a letter saying the Clinton email case was being reopened led directly to Hillary Clinton's loss. 

The I.G. will also look into allegations of leaked documents in the email case that may have violated department policy.

Washington Post:

Horowitz said Thursday that he will explore the circumstances surrounding the actions of Comey and others, though he will not relitigate whether anyone should have faced charges.

“The review will not substitute the OIG’s judgment for the judgments made by the FBI or the Department regarding the substantive merits of investigative or prosecutive decisions,” Horowitz said in his statement, using an abbreviation for the Office of the Inspector General.

Comey said in a statement: “I am grateful to the Department of Justice’s IG for taking on this review. He is professional and independent and the FBI will cooperate fully with him and his office. I hope very much he is able to share his conclusions and observations with the public because everyone will benefit from thoughtful evaluation and transparency regarding this matter.”

The FBI’s probe into whether Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private email server when she was secretary of state has long been ¬controversial and politically charged.

Perhaps most notably, Comey on Oct. 28 — after previously announcing publicly that he was recommending no charges in the case — sent a letter to congressional leaders telling them that agents had resumed the Clinton probe after finding potentially relevant information in an unrelated case. That investigation involved disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

The day before, senior Justice Department leaders had warned Comey not to send the letter, because it violated two long-standing department policies — discussing an ongoing investigation and taking any overt action affecting a candidate so close to an election.

Comey has notably declined to talk about any possible investigations of Trump or his campaign, as recently as this week rebuffing requests from legislators to confirm that agents were looking into any such matters.

“I don’t — especially in a public forum, we never confirm or deny a pending investigation,” Comey said this week.

The inspector general did not say he would investigate Comey’s comments on Trump or any matters related to Russian interference in the election.

Why decline to investigate why Comey refused to recommend charges be brought against Clinton?  Isn't that what the I.G.'s office is for?  Second-guessing what DoJ employees do is part of his mandate.  It's ridiculous that the I.G. says that subject is not on the table.

It's interesting that the I.G. would begin his investigation in early July with Comey's announcement that Clinton would not be prosecuted.  Just days before that announcement, on June 27, the attorney general of the United States, Loretta Lynch, met on the tarmac of the Pheonix airport with Bill Clinton.  How can an I.G. claim to conduct a thorough investigation without looking into this incredible episode?

Democrats who are happy with the I.G.'s decision to investigate are delusional if they think it will prove once and for all that Hillary Clinton lost not because she was a terrible candidate bereft of ideas and integrity, but because the FBI director played partisan politics with his investigation.

Keep digging through that manure pile, Democrats.  There's got to be a pony in there somewhere.

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