Megyn Kelly made a really, really bad choice

News this week is that Megyn Kelly is off to NBC.  Waiting to hear about the bidding war that clearly did not happen.  Now starts Megyn’s decline into obscurity, remembered as someone who was a hot commodity for a very short while. 

Until it all became about Megyn.

What Megyn, Greta, and other passing Fox celebs do not grasp is the importance of the Fox time slot.

When Greta departed, Brit Hume did a perfectly good job with news and commentary.  Now Tucker Carlson is delivering an outstanding show with positive reviews from about everyone.  Before that slot, Tucker was almost unknown nationally.  Now Greta will be.

Megyn Kelly would never have the weeknight Fox slot if she had not been a genetically perfect asker of hard questions.  The slot made her, and without it, she is going to learn that her audience has little personal affection for her.  The slot, however, will do fine.

I hope Fox will put someone there like Sharyl Attkisson, who is a true reporter.  Maybe she is FNC material.  Fox will decide. 

Over the next months, we can watch NBC make a large investment in launching the new Megyn shows, only to watch initial audiences peter away.  Perhaps Megyn will end up with an Ashleigh Banfield-type show nobody watches, now that the novelty of Ashleigh eyeware has long worn off.

Conservative celebs with personal staying power, who draw an audience to themselves, not their slot, are few. 

Rush Limbaugh had a TV show networks ran at midnight, and people stayed up to watch.  If he chose to do a TV evening show today, which he won’t, it would be a top draw.

Mark Levin draws personally.  He now broadcasts on an internet show, CRTV, and it is a wild success.

Why?  Certainly not because either of them is genetically perfect.  Not just because either of them asks tough questions.

The reason Rush and Levin, probably later Mark Steyn, can personally draw a crowd is because they innovate ideas.  Whether you like them or not, both bring interesting new arguments and philosophies in their content.

Rush has defined the liberal motivation, as none other, for a generation.  An internet generation, at least.

Levin has educated about the Constitution, the Supreme Court, and why they matter.  Like him or not, he brings new material almost every show.

From these two, people say they learn things they could not learn anywhere else.  You hear that on most of their shows from callers.

Conservatives have Sean Hannitys, who spend a radio show reading the Drudge Report and do interviews where their question is two thirds of an interview with an otherwise interesting guest.  Hannity is smart enough to know that the Fox slot made him and was brilliant to embrace Trump early and often.  His show is now a top performer.  Not everyone can innovate around ideas.  At least he understands that it is the TV slot first.

Megyn Kelly is off to NBC, and over the next two years, we will watch for her to remain the celebrity newsperson she is today.  Look hard, because after the reviews start to come in, she will take the journey into obscurity.

The hard lesson is that it was never about Megyn.  It was the TV slot.

Within a couple of years, you may see her on Dancing with the Stars.

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