The hollow women planning to ‘march on Washington’

There is nothing that better tells the story of leftist hypocrisy and intolerance quite as well as the planned "Women's March on Washington" January 21 to protest Donald Trump's inauguration.  The idea springs from the activist mind of Teresa Shook, "grandmother and retired attorney in Hawaii."  

The organizers expect 200,000 people the day after inauguration day.  The potential protesters?  The usual band of self-described victims of all manner of discrimination who, in their collective opinion, illustrate the ongoing crime that is America: immigrants, African-American women, LGBTs, women for equal rights, anti-police women, women for gun control, the Planned Parenthood pro-abortion crowd, and of course the insane Code Pink.  In other words, the usual suspects – all those people who never have a good word to say about the most successful, least racist, freest (before Obama) nation on the planet.

Hillary Clinton did win the majority of the woman vote, 54% to 42%, about the same margin over Republicans as Romney (44%) and McCain (43%).  Can Trump's win be compared to Romney's and McCain's losses?  Yes and no.  We know that single women generally vote Democrat.  Obama's ridiculous Julia video made his idea of a perfect, government-orchestrated woman's life possible cradle to grave  without a man!  Sperm, yes, for a child; a man, no. 

But this recent election was different.  We had a candidate who has a long record of loving women in an old-school, politically incorrect way, the way men have loved women for thousands of years.  But now men are no longer allowed to speak of their affection for women without wholly sacrificing their masculinity, at which point they are no longer interesting to women.  Trump has been married three times, is a reality show celebrity, and so is presumed to be, on the basis of some ill considered words now and then, a cad, thus making him incapable of being president. 

Oh, how these indignant women would have loathed JFK!  Yes?  Of course not.  He was a Democrat.  The same women loved and still love the odious Bill Clinton, the worst abuser of women ever to inhabit the White House.  Progressive women adored Bill and now find Trump's past behavior untenable.  Nothing elucidates the hypocrisy of the left more than their embrace of the Clintons and their contempt for Trump.  Especially the women.  News flash!  They hate him not because of his treatment of women. They loathe him because he is a nominal Republican.  And he says what he thinks without succumbing to the filter imposed by the left on practically every topic.

These women who are going to "march on Washington" are clueless and un-self-aware.  They actually think that the way Trump has spoken about certain women in the past is relevant to the state of the world today.  They either do not know or do not care that ISIS is still on the march, committing horrific terrorist attacks around the world.  They do not know or care that North Korea is threatening the world with nukes.  They couldn’t care less that Obama gave over a hundred billion dollars to Iran, the largest state sponsor of terror in the world.  They either do not know or do not care that Obama has done such serious damage to the United States, the Middle East, and Europe that it may never be undone  certainly not in the Middle East and Europe.  No.  They care that Trump uttered words they don't like about women.

Trump is not going to restrict the reproductive rights they so revere.  He is going to have much bigger problems thanks to the damage done by eight years of the Obama administration.

It is impossible to have an iota of respect for these women who think they will accomplish anything by marching on Washington for their hurt feelings.  They have no idea how the world works.  If they were marching for the women in Saudi Arabia and all the other Muslim countries that demean women to the point of genital mutilation or the African girls kidnapped by Boko Haram, they might be worth national attention.  How about a march for all the women killed in Syria and across the Middle East and in Paris, Nice, Belgium, Iraq, Yemen, etc.?  No.  They do not give them a moment's thought.  They are just petulant, ill informed, self-centered women who should be ignored and dismissed.  These women make me admire Trump more than I ever thought possible.

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