What would Hillary Clinton look like swimming in polluted freezing water?

Have you ever wondered what Hillary Clinton would look like swimming in icy cold water?  Well, maybe she would look like this:

Every year on New Year's Day, the Polar Bear Club of Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York go swimming in the water.  This person chose to go dressed as Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton wanted to be remembered as the first female president.  Instead, how do you think she is going to be remembered in popular culture?

The photo gives us many clues.

The photo shows Hillary dressed as a criminal.  She will be remembered for breaking many laws even if she was never prosecuted for them, as others would have been.

Note the phony serial killer smile on her face.  Even when she's dressed as a convict, even when she's knee deep in foul, brackish water, Hillary is still smiling.  That's symbolic of how Hillary had no shame; no matter how badly she conducted herself, she always pretended she was virtuous.  And finally, note her golden child hair, with not a single lock out of place on her 70-year-old head.  That symbolizes her phoniness.

This is how Hillary Clinton will be remembered.  As a Halloween costume.

By the way, if you want to know what Hillary has really been up to, she has been spotted dining alone at a fantastic Swiss-style lodge called Mohonk, in New Paltz, New York, where she has no doubt been enjoying cross-country skiing; ice-skating; rock-scrambling; hanging out in the ancient library with old, musty books; reclining in a rocking chair; climbing up to scenic gazebos; and counting horseshoes at the barn museum.  Nothing says "lonely" like a photo of someone eating alone with only a poinsettia for company.  Two months ago, she thought she would be president of the United States; now she is sitting alone, staring out of a snow-caked window, searching vainly for her raison d'être.

Ed Straker is the senior writer at NewsMachete.com.

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