Gratitude for 84 Lumber

Most conservative viewers of the Super Bowl expected Lady Gaga's performance to be infuriating at best, but much to my surprise, one of her handlers clearly had enough sense to inform her that a crowd consisting mostly of well-to-do Texans might not take so kindly to her force-feeding them her militantly leftist views.  Her good behavior allowed 84 Lumber to steal the spotlight as the "irritant du jour" with a poorly conceived commercial that condones and celebrates the crime of illegal immigration.

As with most everything the cultural left touches these days, the backlash has been worth more than a few chuckles.  If you don't believe me, go on 84 Lumber's Facebook page and read the comments under the company's postings regarding the commercial.  A vast majority of the user replies are scathingly negative and reflect the same views that produced a map with 85 percent of American counties colored red just a few months ago.  Are those views xenophobic and anti-immigrant, as the left proclaims, or are they simply the views of those who recognize that there are no global human rights declaring unrestricted entry or immigration to the United States?  Here are some handy population visuals to help with that decision, on top of the many reasons we already have been given to oppose unrestricted migration, legal and illegal, to America – including the 113 billion taxpayer dollars spent to support the 84 Lumber-approved societal poison of illegal immigration every single year.

The left does not have humanity as a driving force in their quest to hurl open America's gates to the world.  Their goal is only political power, and by any means necessary. Among assimilated, working Americans, their ideas have failed.  Multiplying the population of America 23-fold is of little consequence to them if the more than 3 billion people of the world considered desperately poor, making less than two dollars per day, drown the American lifeboat but keep them in power.  For this reminder of why the election broke the way it did, 84 Lumber deserves our heartfelt thanks, but certainly not our business.

Seth Keshel, former Army captain and Afghanistan veteran, is a grassroots coordinator for the Convention of States Project, Texas.

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