Mayor Rahm Emanuel asks Trump to ‘send in the feds’

Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel yesterday seemed to welcome President Trump’s offer (in a tweet) to “send in the feds” to help quell the “carnage” (51 murders, 234 shooting incidents and 299 shooting victims last month).  CBS Chicago reports:

Shortly after President Donald Trump suggested it would be a good idea to sit down with Chicago gang leaders, and again said he might have to take matters into his own hands to address violent crime in the city, Mayor Rahm Emanuel essentially told the new president to put his money where his mouth is. (snip)

Mayor Emanuel said Trump should stop talking about crime in Chicago, and actually provide more federal resources for the city.

“Send more FBI, DEA, ATF agents. We don’t have to talk about it anymore. Just send them,” the mayor said Wednesday while meeting with young men taking part in the Becoming A Man mentoring program.

Photo: CBS Chicago

Chicago journalists understand the tone Emanuel was using, as if calling a presidential bluff.  The funny thing is that by taking this posture, Emanuel is overlooking who was in the White House the last eight years (during part of which he was the chief of staff).  During that time, there were no major increases in agents or resources, not even making much note or fuss over the appalling violence, primarily affecting African-American young men – who, in Obama’s terms, would look like his son, if he had one.

But instead of gratitude for the offer of help, so missing in the last eight years, Emanuel turned his statement into a plea for money from the rest of America’s taxpayers:  

The mayor said he would like to see increased federal prosecutions of gun crimes, more money for youth mentoring and jobs programs, and additional federal agents to assist Chicago police in fighting gangs and gun violence.

“Invest in law enforcement with our Police Department. Every major city has to do more. Move more FBI, DEA, ATF. They do a great job. Use the ability to prosecute gun crimes at the federal level, and maximize that potential.”

The mayor said he has spoken repeatedly with the president, vice president, and the president’s chief of staff about getting more federal resources to address crime in Chicago — such as youth mentoring and summer jobs initiatives.

“In that sense, they are aware of what our requests are, and we will look forward to working with them on that,” he said. “Supporting our police officers, supporting our kids, investing in our neighborhoods and communities are key.”

Mayor Emanuel is leaving the door open for President Trump to come through and not only suppress crime, but also investigate corruption in the Windy City.

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