The Boss's resistance movement

Bruce Springsteen claimed to have avoided the draft by self-reporting a psychological disorder that disqualified him from military service.  He said he told the draft board he had SSA (same sex attraction).  This allowed the then-18-year-old Springsteen to avoid military conscription by reason of being psychologically unfit for combat.  This is according to his own words, recorded by a then-FM radio station broadcasting live one of his early, pre-national fame shows in the '70s. 

Now, the 70-year-old Springsteen is the self-proclaimed leader of "the resistance movement," where, in his conflict, he is defending a grown man's "civil right"  to use the bathroom with a little girl (not his granddaughter, as the mansion on the hill has many separate bathrooms).  His children and grandchildren live safely behind walls and arms, as he seeks, politically, to deny the same to my children and grandchildren.

Springsteen said he was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but after the November election, he condemned Trump as a "classic narcissist" and leads his followers in "fist-raising resistance" against the democratically elected president.  Combined with the talented emotional voice and the E Street Band's crescendo, audiences are spellbound in raucous cheering of that which is left undiscerned. 

Springsteen disclosed that he has invested a great deal of money and time, over the course of more than three decades, paying someone to hear him talk...about himself.  

If playing before adoring crowds was not enough to satisfy his need for attention and admiration, he feels that it is "important" to tell his story, as he did in his recent autobiography, which inevitably reveals a traumatic, abusive, and tragic childhood, relating accounts that are heart-wrenching.  It may be from the ashes of such abuse that talent finds its way to expression. 

I've long enjoyed his music, but there often seems to be a terrible price to pay for talent, for so many performers, including in Hollywood.   

Immorality and the missing sensibilities that morality yields give way to the inevitable vacuum where illogic and disconnect with reality settle comfortably in, particularly with the elites.  It's just sad.

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