President Trump should go with his gut on Obamacare

Before Donald Trump was inaugurated the 45th president of the United States, his initial gut instinct as a high-stakes deal-maker was to let Obamacare crash and burn on its own.  In early January, then-president-elect Trump said, "They [Democrats] own it right now.  So the easiest thing would be to let it implode in 2017, and believe me: we'd get pretty much whatever we wanted."

And just yesterday, President Trump said the Republicans "are putting themselves in a very bad position" when it comes to repealing and replacing Obamacare.

It seems the deal-maker-in-chief still believes that to repeal and replace Obamacare now would give his weak opponents badly needed leverage to fight his policy agenda.  Trump also seems to believe that if Obamacare is allowed to collapse on its own, the Democrats will be further weakened to the point where he and the Republicans will gain even more political leverage against them.  This plan will allow Republicans to urgently repeal and replace a flatlined Obamacare and easily move forward with implementing President Trump's policies for the rest of his term.

What may tip the scales for President Trump to put repeal and replace Obamacare on the back burner of his agenda are the CBO report numbers that came out on the Republican health care plan yesterday afternoon.  The CBO report shows that 24 million people would lose their health care in the next ten years under the Republican plan.  You can bet the farm that the Democrats and their political accomplices in the media are about to go ballistic attacking Trump and the Republicans with that number.  In fact, since the CBO report came out, the media headlines are filled with that 24 million lost coverage number.  And it's not just CNN and all the other alphabet liberal media outlets.  Fox News, Drudge Report and Breitbart have all headlined the 24 million lost coverage number as well.

No matter how President Trump or the Republicans try to spin this health care plan now, they will be constantly portrayed by those CBO numbers as the worst bait-and-switch, lying, incompetent, cruel, and inhumane con artists that ever were elected to public office.  And make no mistake: this mantra will never stop and will be reported wall-to-wall by every liberal media outlet and every Democrat and RINO that hates President Trump.

The problem for Trump and the Republicans now is that they have to sell a yet to be proven health care plan that the CBO says will cause 24 million people to lose their coverage while also trying to argue that Obamacare is going to collapse sometime in the future but has not yet collapsed and still seems to be working for millions of people.  Surely President Trump can't believe that this is a winning situation.  So what should he do?

President Trump should go with his initial gut instinct about Obamacare, when he said, "The easiest thing would be to let it implode in 2017, and believe me: we'd get pretty much whatever we wanted."

President Trump should make no attempt to stop the collapse of Obamacare and let all of America watch as it, the Democratic Party, and the liberal media all implode right before their very eyes.

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