Another case of mainstream media inherent bias

The halfway point of the President Trump's first 100 days has come and gone.  With negative reports on the televised media outpacing the positive articles regarding the new administration, it would be routine for this to continue unabated.  However, one would hope that for one day a truce could be called.  The same is true in the print media.  Yet, on day 50, it would have been a surprise to see some balance.

On the economic front, the report was very encouraging.  The government statistics showed that 235,000 new jobs, far above the average for Obama’s years, were created in the country during February, the first full month of the administration.  The report of this news has been muted, except on Fox News.

After 75 months of job growth during Obama’s administration, their final month showed only 156,000 new jobs.  Of these jobs, 28,000 were in the manufacturing sector.  During December 2016, the nation added 17,000 manufacturing jobs but lost 45,000 during the year overall.  For the past several years, this increase has averaged only 2,000 per month during the best period of growth under Obama’s administration, with much volatility.  Again, this news does not lead this morning on CNN or MSMBC.

When Vice President Joe Biden declared in 2012 that manufacturing was back in America, few complained that his statistics were flawed.  Yet he overstated these gains.  During the Obama period, about 10 million jobs were created from the low point.  This compares well with the Bush years but lags the Reagan and Clinton years.  The greatest bias is through omission and emphasis.

The talk for the past two days has been over General Michael Flynn’s omission of lobbying work on behalf of the Turkish government.  While this is no longer new information, CNN and MSNBC continue to run with it.  Just another case of negative reports regarding the Trump transition team.

Further, the report of the remaining 46 federal attorneys being fired by Sessions dominates the news on CNN this morning.  This is normal process for incoming administrations: to replace these political appointments.  More than half had already left.  Yet this appears to be shocking to Senators Schumer and Feinstein.  This gets more play than it warrants.  But it has become routine.

Reports regarding the repeal and replacement of Obamacare focus on the division in the Republican Party.  There is less discussion over the death spiral in the system.  This emphasis is aimed at preventing any repair to the damaged government program.

Finally, the consumer confidence rate has reached 63%, a six-year high.  A new wind has blown over Washington, and it is dispersed throughout the nation, despite the media reporting.  Fortunately, the people recognize the situation.

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