Much ado about nothing

Much ado about nothing.  That is the takeaway from the vocal complaints from some quarters about the proposed budget impact on the NEA, NEH, and CPB.  If the liberal elites want funding levels to remain the same for the NEA and NEH, all they need do is open their private checkbooks and start writing.  Quite simple.

As for the CPB, it is so tilted to the left as to defy gravity, so why should public tax dollars go to a broadcasting system professing and endorsing but one political view?  Again, if the liberal elites want the CPB to continue at previous levels of funding, they can open their private checkbooks and start writing.

Many the liberal elites can just ask the Clinton Foundation to underwrite all three.

There is nothing wrong, per se, with the arts, humanities, or liberal broadcasting.  But with the nation 20 trillion dollars in debt, we simply cannot afford such luxuries.  Hard decisions must be made and made now to cease federal spending in these and many other nonessential areas.

By the way, the angst and arguments against cuts do not emanate from the poor inner cities, where unemployment and unsatisfactory public education are the norms.  The hue and cry come from the wealthy liberal bastions on the left and right coasts, aided by the progressive intelligentsia on university campuses.  That alone should tell us that cutting the programs is worthwhile.

Again, this is not advocating that the NEA, NEH, and CPB be eliminated – only that not one federal tax dollar be provided.  Let private philanthropy step in to fill the coffers.  If these activities are so damned crucial, instead of writing checks to some progressive campaign, let our learned liberal friends write their checks to these endeavors they view as so worthwhile. 

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