The chancellor elects a new people

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor known for allowing the mass influx of Muslim refugees into Europe, has just been nominated as a candidate for the upcoming elections in her country.  A large majority (95%!) of CDU (the "Christian Democratic Union") party delegates gave her their blessing, putting her in pole position on the national CDU electoral list.

You may find it remarkable that such a controversial leader is again running for the highest office in Germany (her fourth term, by the way).  Merkel herself has admitted that her "open border" policies during the migrant crisis were a failure.  The chaos mass migration is causing in Europe is unparalleled, and the end is nowhere in sight.

But what's most remarkable of all is the speech Merkel gave before the election.  Two quotes sum it all up:

No part of the population has the right to define who belongs to our people and who doesn't.

The German people consists of everybody who lives in this country.

German patriots condemned this phrasing.  For Frauke Petry, chief of the AFD (the right-wing opposition party), this speech essentially summarizes Merkel's "big scheme":

She wants to dilute our sovereign people and then "cancel" it. Merkel refuses to talk about the German people and sees the German people not as a unity with its own history and customs, but as a coincidental collection of people in a certain territory.

And there you have it.  Merkel declared herself the "anti-Trump."  The big division in Western politics – globalism and cultural relativism versus nationalism – is the main issue in all upcoming elections here in Europe.

With the demographic clock ticking against them and the mainstream European media desperately enforcing political correctness, the battle will not be an easy one to win for the so called "populists" like Geert Wilders, Frauke Petry, and Marine Le Pen.  And with all other parties and special interest groups already making promises to unite against them, only landslide victories will change the current leadership in the Netherlands.

Even then, some question if the effects of the frivolous migration policies of the past decades can be changed in time to prevent a complete population "makeover."  If the policies are not changed soon, however, the outcome is beyond doubt.

A recent scientific study (published this week in the conservative Dutch magazine Elsevier) calculated that if immigration is to go on at the same rate as today, the Netherlands in the year 2060 will be an overpopulated country (22-30 million people, versus 16 million now) with one third of them Muslim.

This is largely explained by the high birthrate present among immigrants.  How GroenLinks (the Dutch "green party"), a big immigration proponent, can explain the deleterious effects of this population boom on the already stretched natural resources of this small country is a mystery.  The study also predicted a massive rise in government spending necessary to sustain the welfare state in the case of a continued mass immigration.

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