The left's war on science intensifies

Politically active scientists on the left are increasing the intensity of their already frantic anti-Trump propaganda.  While they wage a war on truth, they accuse us of waging war against science.

Here is a quote from Jonathan Foley, the executive director of the California Academy of Sciences, currently published in Scientific American Magazine online.

Note his hysterical tone.  He says, "Make no mistake: the War on Science is going to affect you, whether you are a scientist or not. It is going to affect everything – ranging from the safety of the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the kind of planet we live on. It will affect the kinds of diseases we get and the medicines we can use."

War on science?  Who does he say is waging such a war?  Read on.

The article begins with an attack on "the new EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt[, who] unveiled the new language of this war – a subtle, yet potentially damaging form of science skepticism. Manmade climate change, he [Pruitt] says, is "subject to continuing debate."

And what is wrong with continuing debate in science?  Read more.

Foley continues with an attack on "[t]he systematic use of so-called 'uncertainty' surrounding well-established scientific ideas[.]"

Is there no uncertainty in science?  Has science finally produced gospel truth?

Okay, I am starting to feel a sense of frustration.  The executive director would have us believe that we, who question the pronouncements of politicized scientists, are to keep our mouths shut and our minds closed.  If they say that the climate is changing – if they say that we are causing it – if they say that we are all going to burn the planet, or freeze it, or flood it (they don't seem to be sure which of these will happen), then we must obey their edicts or else.

And what are the commandments these enlightened, elite scientists are issuing?  Do they involve open-minded debate, based on facts?  Apparently not.  Do they involve empowering private individuals to devise innovative solutions to environmental concerns?  It seems not.  Or do they involve creating an ever larger government, ever higher taxes, and ever more centralized control of our lives?  You decide.

One thing seems certain.  If you ask forbidden questions, you may subject yourself to punishment.  This is no exaggeration.  Some have called for putting people on trial for rebutting the claims of climate-change preachers.  Meteorologists have been threatened with loss of their licenses for pointing out flaws in the "established scientific ideas."  Professors could have their tenures challenged for thinking independently.

At least Foley gets this part right: "... the War on Science is so deadly serious."  This is precisely why we must vigorously hold strictly accountable him and his fellow true believers.

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